QUOTE(Mp)MinigameEast @ Jul 10 2006, 05:28 AM)
heres the answer.
there 8 year olds this website, we dont want them to spell the F word
im guessing your not that smart since you didnt read the faq and regulations.
have fun with your warn.
Mini, please go somewhere else. You're the kind of person that makes me get warned for cursing. And actually, I did read the FAQ's and no where does it day you can't have a curse word in your member title does it? No.
Goes two ways bud.
Simple Solution: Don't like us swearing, don't read it.
I would love to agree with you but this is kind of a forum, we can't help but read it.
Personally, I'd like to say f**k and all those other good things all the time here. But, I don't think a few parents of 12 year old kids are going to agree with that.
Just like all the simple solutions everyone posted here. You're the admin of this site, what are the parents going to do? Yell at you?
Simple Solution For Parents: Don't like the words? Deal with it!
Oh yeah, and if it is so uptight about cursing, then maybe we should have one big parental advisory sticker on the main page.