Instead of a Dollar its 25cents to make it more interesting. For those who dont know the game just say how did it get spent and who has it now.
The quarter must keep moving but it can't be destroyed nor lost!
A guy got his pay from work and it was four quarters. He then spent 1 quarter on the soda machine......
3 angry teenagers then smashed the machine and stole all the money in it, including the quarter.
So then one of the teenagers threw the quarter at a hobo named Quarter pocket.
Not sure I understood that... But I'll try...
The hobo named "Quarter pocket" used the quarter (amongst other money) to purchase drugs.
sorry typo
The shopkeeper went to a resturaunt to buy a taco. when she got the money she dropped the quarter in the deep fryer....
When I meant drugs, I meant from a dealer, but w/e.
That night, the woman was fired and the person who came in the next day found the quarter in the deep fryer and successfully retreived it.
But because of her clumsiness she dropped it in a burritoe that an employee was handing to the customer....
The customer then ate the quarter unknowingly. Later, the customer pooped it out and flushed it down the toilet.
At the water recycling plant a worker there spotted the quarter and went to a pharmacy to buy lottery tickets....
On the way there, the man gave the quarter to the hobo named "Quarter pocket".
"Quarter pocket" the hobo thinking it was cheese bit into it and chipped his tooth, he then threw it into a pond were fish were swimming and fishermen were fishing.
A sky diver landed in the pond and found the quarter and used it to make apple sauce.
When he went to a resturaunt with the quarter inside the sauce he chocked and
9-1-1 workers got it out and one of them snuck it in there pocket
They then used the money to buy a sandwhich.
While they were going to buy the sandwhich one of them put the quarter inside a live fishes mouth were one of the fisherman caught it....
The fisherman gutted the fish, and found the quarter. Hewent to the shop t buy bait...
However, on the way to the shop he was hit by a low-flying aircraft. The quarter was found on his body, and given to charity.
When an orphan got the quarter he went to the yellow market and bought a used cough pill for 25cents.....