I've searched all pages I know for all those bounds and maps and found none of exactly these anywhere. I found a key-bound but not a nokeybound. I found another 3 versions of reaver D. But none of these are yours. Scarab bound found nowhere at all. Same with goliath bound. I found around 10 goliath defenses but no bound.
I feel sorry for you. It's always bad to lose alot of work with just one hardware defect (if that was the reason). For example you write a book on your computer and never backup it and your 99% done and your harddisk crashes.
Thats why you should sometimes backup your maps for all the time and ideas and work you put in them.
Well the hd that had all of the information is trashed. It was a 20 gig drive that got burned out from a power surge and a bad power supply.
So now I have 8 hds, 2 tb a 250gig sata and my backup drives for my server. All 5 of them 40 gig.
No wa yI can recover. The one perosn that hass all of these maps, claims he doesn't have them. But the probability of him hving Storm Defense, and none of the others is near impossible. He's mad at me right now though.