You get them all back if you cancel [u]units[/b] queue, otherwise you get less, 75% or something. I don't remember about the larvae, but I think you don't get everything back with them too.
BK's saying correct, that's right~! Bascially if cancel construction buildings
don't retrieve all the minerals but units arsn't applied
however... there are "Building Refund Hack" funtion in resource hacks for SC
which have retrieve resource from buidlings
as for some resource hacks which called "Panic hack" in korea
if use that, at the end of the game, at the score screen
result of resource inforamtion which always just displayed as to full gage
irrespective of Actual amout of "Resources spent and minde"
but that isn't make display keep as specific number in during the game
only displayed at score screen
i think that isn't Acutal keeping the amount,
might that is just fake for result display
However, there are many resource hacks and SC hacks group
and personal SC hack builder they are made for resource control
so i belive that is not wholly hard-coded if know as well about patterns of resource
but first poster of this thread i didn't remember his nick watever....
u might couldn't get information about patterns of resource
from this forum currently, as far as i know about pplz in this forum
here are no many pplz whos has been in processing for resource of SC