Yes another ad / heads up telling people that there is another poetry contest. I hear some people complaining about the rules, if you have anything you want fixed just pm me. However, I will be gone from this Sunday to next Saturday so if you do pm me, I probablly wont get it unless you do it today... Also this is the same reason why last weeks poetry contest was rushed, and this weeks poetry contest is extra long. Thanks guys.^CLICK^[center]
Looking into the future `You have to submit your poetry starting from the "start" date and up until the "end" date, the weekend will be used so I can choose the winners.
`Start: July 21, 2006 Friday
`Ends: July 29, 2006 Saturday
`No flaming or any sort in this topic.
`Only post your poem which you are going to enter in this topic.
`You can change your poem only once after you post it here.
`All other discussion will go in the "Poetry Contest?"
How to judge[/center]
`I will have an open judging system
`You can vote on any poem which is not yours
`I get total of 5 votes, 3 for who I believe should get first, 2 for who I believe should get second, and 1 for who I believe should get thrid. (I just changed this rule, becuase I felt like it. If anything goes wrong or you have complains just tell me)
`Voting period is very short its on the weekends, so hurry and make your votes.
`I assume this is going to happen weekly, and this is definatly not the only contest I am going to have so the prize arent as high.
1st100 min2nd50 min3rd25 min[/center]
Want to add rules? Want to change rules? PM me, and it will get done.
PS. I leave this Sunday July 23, thats why last poetry contest was rushed, and this poetry contest is extra long.