sprol42 <num> − <1> refers to a sprites.dat entry. Other than that, I’m not sure what this does.
creates sprite.
__37 2048
this exact statement is (in plain english):
If target = dead then end
Found in the protossScarab iscript.
When this is removed, the scarab doesnt die when its target does. but when it is in there, it does die when its target is dead.
The number is probably how many times it runs per second.
needs more testing =\
Sigorder is like attack25, but it controlls another unit. such as a subunit or a weapon.
1 = movement order, used in
weapon sprites2 = unknown order, used in
spell casting, probably has something to do with an attacking order.
Heres proof:
(in weapons.dat, i just edited the lockdown dmg for testing