ok you know how you its easier to click on bigger units cause there bigger, can you do that with a smaller unit,
basicly make the area in which you can select a unit bigger, i dont know what its called but i know you cant edit it in DatEdit
this is what i do know if you go into the sprites tab in DatEdit and change a zerglings images file to ultralisk, it will look like a ultralisk and the area in which you can select it is bigger, but if you try to alter the images file for a zergling to ultralisk grp file or iscript file or the overlays it does nothing at all, i dont know if it is any of those i need to edit, so any insite would be much appreciated.
If you need any clarification just let me know.
You can change the "Physical" size of the unit in units.dat Graphics tab.
There should be 4 input boxes with a size preview box to the right. (Unit
Dimensions) If you're not sure about what numbers to put in, ake a look
at some other units with a similar size that you want to get. You should get
the idea soon.
As of the selection circle, you can change it in sprites.dat tab.
Not only the circle's size, but you could also change the length of the HP bar.
The dimensions, circle, and the HP bar.
I think it should be enough with those three changed simultaneously.
been there done that, you can change the physical size it only changes the space it takes up with units around it, the circle will only get bigger, the hp bar longer, but the area in which you can select it no, ive already tried those things and a couple other things, as far as i know of right now you cant change it through dat edit, i was even desperate enough to see if arsenal III could which it could not
You might could try going into the staredit tab in units.dat and changing the placement box,
I doubt it will do anything in-game, but it's worth a shot
then you can try changing the unit size in the basic tab
i think i tried that but ill give it a wack anyway
Well i found that the image size is what affects this so ide have to jumbo size the zergling to get what i want, o well