I'm reviving it but this time it is extreme. But there is one rule.
>You cannot skip a question if you do then let someone else answer it.
So use the best of your abilitie to make the this or that extreme.
Eat a raw burger uncooked
Double post in every thread hoping to get banned.
Hope to get banned. If you eat unkooked stuff that should be kooked... you can really get a food poisoning.
Kill all the men in the world and be the only one left with all the wimen
Kill yourself
Kill all the men in the world. (and yes I am a ninjaaaaaa so they couldn't catch me or kill me F**K THE POLICE F**K THE POLICE)
Be tied up, forced to watch "Barney" re runs for 24 hours...
Be tied up, forced to watched NSYNC live for 24 hours...
I rather watch barney cause I will still live!
Take a picture of your mother naked
Run around naked in mcdonalds for 30 seconds for 5bucks
Depends on the security at McDonalds, but I'm thinking that I'd rather run around naked in McDonalds.
Steal your friend's girlfriend
sex you your friend's mom
(Both are hot.)
l girlfriend then give it back
Use a time machine and warp back to Berlin,Germany 1939 and live there for 7 days.
Warp back to Hiroshima japan 1945, 5 seconds before the atomic bomb drops
Germany for 7 days.
Same this or that as JordanN's, but factor in that in this case, you are jewish.
At Hiroshima before the atomic bomb drops. I'd be in my native country.
Banned on SEN forever.
Put in jail for 1 week.
put in jail i mean its only one week
pee out a marble
poop out a softball
If I was a girl I could of said pee out a marble but it hurts men more like kidney stone.
But rather poop out a softball
Get kicked in the balls 1 time by your friend
Kick your friend in the balls 2 times (your very best friend
Friend. He deserves it. (and almost everyone on our class)
Cut your left arm off
Eat your right leg (yugh!
Cut my left arm off.
Eat 3 raw fish ungutted
Sniff your dirty laundry 5 times
The laundry.
Slice of pie or piece of cake?
Make out with Lenard Nemoy, or take a shower in Bill's bathroom? [/kingofthehill]
Theres nothing wrong withs bills shower.
Eat a bowl of salt
Eat a bowl of sugar
Betray your best friend
Betray your girlfriend
betray my girlfriend
dicks before chicks
watch a porno with ur parents in it
watch a porno with your parents, that you were in
thats sick minded but the ones your parents were in.
While your girlfriend is a sleep take a Sh*t in her mouth and then flush it down with some Pi*s.
Voulenteer yourself at the YMCA woman self-defence class as the "male target"
without any paddings.
depends if she wakes up.
But I'll assume she does, and I don't wanna try to explain that.
Male target FTW. Maybe I get to grab some asses as the "rapist"..
Anal Sex with your mom,
Oral sex with your dad?
Gleh, oral, sex, gleh
How on earth did all the forum games end up here.
Smell a can of propane
Strip your girlfriends clothes off in front of the president/prime minister.
Take a bath in sulfuric acid.
Eat your own head.
Take a bath in sulfphiric acid.
jump on a bed full knives and spikes.
Drink a glass of Chuck Norris's P*ss and eat a plate full of Moose's Sh*t. For desert DT_battlecruisers kidney.
I think I would have to go with the shiz, piss, and kidney here. Then again, it's "K" in Cruiser, not C, so perhaps that means no kidney? The crap was the main thing that bothers me, but it's doable.
Be Mr. Clinton's B&D sex slave for a night
Sleep in MJ's bed tied up for a night, him right next to you the whole time, something "might" happen between you but you aint sure.
I go for clinton he will get bored and eat a bowl rocks.
Invite Michael Jackson to your house and then you and Mj go into a small room with a bed and touch each other.
Eat a plate full of your Moms butt that you butchered yourself and then sprinkle some of your dads "Man milk" (semen) on to it. Bon' apptite!
MJ. Face it, I'd set up cameras and sue him.