I decided to try my hand at graphic editing and to start off by simply changing the color of the Probe. So I read the stickied topic, downloaded GIMP, etc. Then I imported the sc_unit palette, changed the Probe to RGB and then indexed it to said palette. I then changed it to a pretty blue, recompiled the GRP, and tested.
It was practically invisible.
That's right, on every color that I changed, the Probe was invisible.
Then, I tried this with a Nexus. Changing its colors, saving, recompiling while making sure that the palette was sc_unit and that "remove unused colors from final palette" was unchecked.
The Nexus was not invisible. It was, instead, three tiny, horribly corrupted copies of itself. The same thing occurred when I opened a Gateway, saved, and recompiled. And when I open them again in GIMP, they look fine.
What am I doing wrong? Is SC's regular palette subtly incompatible with GIMP for some reason? If so, please let me have a version that will work.
Don't use the blue. It has different effects on different units, its really weird... For example I used it on a carrier and it appeared dark blue, yet on an observer it looked normal. EzDay told me he had used the blue and had the invisible effect similar to what you have described.
The metallic blue colors? All right, I won't. But I still think it might be the palette, since simply opening and closing files corrupts them. I tried getting PalEdit to change the format to Windows palette, but it wouldn't work. So if someone could post a windows-format version of the SC palette, and if it works, that person would have my eternal gratitude.
By blue, I meant that bright blue that there's too much of... One sec I'll get you the pallette in a picture form, just paste it into your picture and edit away. Ack, can't add that file extension, one sec...
Thanks, but...I don't know if that'll work. I wanted the .pal since I can't get it any other way. And I'm not using that bright blue--I know that one does weird things, since it's used for something like four different purposes...
aight~! Lord_Agamemnon,
if u not got *.pal file then just use extrated image which dumped from original SC
Bitmap image
or seraching my all tutorials(dig out special pallete) there are attached pal files
which many of different palette for use each pallete settings of object
don't forget that attached palette isn't same as origianal pallete
u should paint with follow each palettes
@nirvanajung: Thanks for the help! Unfortunately, I'm not editing the special sprites--just the main ones. I will keep that in mind, though, if I decide to change the explosions.
@Everyone: Can someone please just post the default palette in WINDOWS PALETTE FORMAT? I think that's all I really need. It's gotta be Windows palette format, though, since GIMP doesn't like the Starcraft palette format.
QUOTE(Lord_Agamemnon @ Aug 1 2006, 07:47 PM)
@nirvanajung: Thanks for the help! Unfortunately, I'm not editing the special sprites--just the main ones. I will keep that in mind, though, if I decide to change the explosions.
@Everyone: Can someone please just post the default palette in WINDOWS PALETTE FORMAT? I think that's all I really need. It's gotta be Windows palette format, though, since GIMP doesn't like the Starcraft palette format.
hey~! there is default palette u have to just change first color of pallete
or just edit colors in pallete as u want
aight~! aight~! take it ~! if u have flexible, i would really happy
Wow! I appreciate your helpfulness! Really!
The problem seems to be GIMP. It appears to be corrupting the files. Is there any other good free image editor that I could use?
Download that palette tabpallette? Cant remember what it was called, but it was a sc mod pallette for names and etc. But GIMP is probally the best image editor thats for free, you can get photoshop but its not legit... Im not encoureging for you to do it. I didnt I ebayed it for $24,67 lol. Ya it was an auction no one else was there. Hahaha price started at 20.00. If you want I can help you out get you photoshop. Just pm me, but im not sure if the files will be able to saved under sc. GIMP probally corrupted the files as you said though.
Maybe, bilal. But first I want to figure out what's wrong with GIMP. Has anyone else had this problem with it--namely, corrupting Starcraft's bmps? I know that NJ's tutorial includes a GIMP section, so it seems like it should work...
QUOTE(Lord_Agamemnon @ Aug 1 2006, 08:23 PM)
Wow! I appreciate your helpfulness! Really!
The problem seems to be GIMP. It appears to be corrupting the files. Is there any other good free image editor that I could use?
i really don't understand y GIMP problem with u
when i did with use GIMP that does work completely
i think that isn't GIMP problem
that reason is just ur missing and ignorance something
JESUS CHRIST! Now RetroGrp's broken on me. Gr... must restart computer...hold on a minute.
EDIT: OK, this sucks. I now can't use RetroGRP. Ever. Again. It says "An unnamed file was not found" and then refuses to load any palettes. Reinstalling didn't fix the problem. As a consequence, the colors on all units are screwed up bad. So I guess I can't do graphic editing anymore...
i'd say just it
WHY there are many solutions for compile grp
Also palette is not direct effect to compiling
palette is just setting file for view image
What do you mean? How else can I compile/decompile grps?
if coudn't work with Retro then use GRPeditor in StarDraft-SE
i mostly use that
as for GRP compiler, currently GRPeditor in StarDraft-SE is most stable
BTW, y u coudn't compile with that Retro though that says "An unnamed file was not found"
i think that isn't buggy things
in my guessing that is just missed of configurations settings
I'll give that a shot then. And then I'll see if GIMP processes images correctly.
YAY! IT WORKS!! It wasn't GIMP after all--it was RetroGRP! Thank you so much for pointing out about Stardraft; I never would have thought about that. Guess it's still good for something...
Thanks to all, especially nirvanajung for his mad graphic-editing skillz.
BTW, u really too shake ur head