Can talking like a fscking noob be a punishable offense?
Such as: omg lyk i ttly tlk lyk a noob, u no?
It's just really pissing me off 'cause it's hella hard to read and degrades the forum quality, IMO.
Lol...its just kinda funny
You need to learn more slang I think there is already a rule for that. It may not be moderated well enough though.
QUOTE(DoomStrike @ Aug 3 2006, 04:20 PM)
Lol...its just kinda funny
You need to learn more slang [right][snapback]538554[/snapback][/right]
I know it, but why should I take more time out of my life to try to read their stuff?
wtf dud3 g3t r11 n0 5r5ly, k? Ty lawl jk ily, ttyl
QUOTE(Kow @ Aug 3 2006, 04:33 PM)
I know it, but why should I take more time out of my life to try to read their stuff?
Not sure...the people that right like
that! (
) must be late for something or is lazy...
C@n u re@d t41s l7
ADDITION: I only use stuff like taht on sc. But those people go too far!
I don't think it's a big problem on SEN, although I encourage members to use better grammer..
QUOTE(Kow @ Aug 3 2006, 08:18 PM)
It's just really pissing me off 'cause it's hella hard to read and degrades the forum quality, IMO.
I'm for it as long as "gangster" talk goes with it.
'cause != cuz
Hella is slang. If you'd like, I can use 'very' or other words that may fit it and still be grammatically correct.
As long as it isnt gangster talk.
As much as I'm a proponent of good grammar and spelling, I must say: what do you expect? This is, after all, the Internet. There are plenty of stupid people on the Internet. No offense intended to those present, of course. Leetspeak annoys the bejesus out of me, too, and I would certainly like to see it gone. I know that there's already a rule against it, but people don't really seem to enforce it all that much. On the other hand, you rarely see true leetspeak--more of slang.
Or we could just grow up and not mock them, When someone makes a point about people doing this, does this all of a sudden give everyone the right to do it, I know its being fun, but possible spam
Who said I was mocking them?
QUOTE(7-7 @ Aug 3 2006, 03:27 PM)
Or we could just grow up and not mock them, When someone makes a point about people doing this, does this all of a sudden give everyone the right to do it, I know its being fun, but possible spam
What are you talking about? How will banning this make people do it more.
If you read the first post, Kow is saying it should be stopped. He's not "mock[ing]" them, nor does he ever talk about giving every one "the right to do it". He's simply saying that it needs to be stopped.
And I concur. Punishment is harsh in this case, though, so I'd just ask that people be more mindful of their maturity level on this forum (yes, that means I think talking like "o man i like ur mapz dey r gr8" is immature and just plain stupid).
p1z d0/\/7 b@/v /\/\3 LOL
I really haven't noticed an influx of SEN members joining and typing messages like this. I'm not sure if we should take action against something that's non-existent.
i m43n |<4n7 u r34d w@t im s4y1n1/\/g LOL
I would say about half of the new members who try to socialise in the Other forums are like this. It's really pronounced in The.Chicken (if I got the name right)
As long as if there's not an overused amount of spammy text coughXENOcough, I personally don't mind an occasional acronym.
Too much bad grammar and we can immediately see the n00bs. Unfortunately being a n00b isn't a punishable offense...
The only thing you will get if you don't excessively do it, is people telling you to stop, which you won't. I'm guessing you got mad at the don't use an "E" topic? I don't really mind it that much, it's just funny when they try say you're stupid and they type like that...
Yea, that's just what spurred me to make this thread, and Yes, I get a cackle out of them calling me a n00b.
Talking without proper grammar and spelling generally will not lead to a warn unless it becomes bad to a point where it is hard to decipher what they are trying to say.
Talking in massive amounts of 1337 will get you an immediate +20%.
[sub]Aye, im Sure Pirate Talk is fine. Gar[/sub]
Technically, Pirate talk is another language, yes?
When I just came to SEN and was a noob, I talked like this: "hey guys. im new cuz i just came here". Technically I should have been warned
Then I understood how stupid I look, and changed myself within a fiew days from "u, cuz, wat" to propper words, and within a month to propper (let's say 90%
) grammar.
I think people like that ould be warned verbally. Maybe not everybody understands that it looks stupid (like I did). So, we must help them
If they are not able to understand a fiew warns, give them +20%.
"Propper". Ha ha ha.
I stopped using improper grammar/spelling on the Internet around when I was about 11/12 years old. I suppose that means I beat most of you.