This is going to sound like an extremely n00bish question, I know, but bear with me: My mods crash and I don't know why. I can't give you more details because there aren't really any more. I'll be playing along and suddenly it will crash when in fact I did nothing special. This is happening in a current mod I'm making, and it happened in one I made much earlier. In the current one, I've edited almost everything except the graphics, so I expect some crashes; I just don't expect them when I only tell an SCV to move somewhere. In the earlier one, I edited only .dat and .tbls to any notable degree. (Yes, the iscript was changed very slightly, but not enough to cause crashes.) It's like a file is becoming corrupt, and it seems like it can only be the .dats. Does anyone else either have this problem or have an explanation? If I get it again I'll post the memory address, in case that does any good.
EDIT: I was testing this some more. A few seconds into the game, it crashed without me doing anything except having a unit move. The error message says that the instruction at 0x01a65b66 referenced memory at 0x02c00494. Do those numbers mean anything specific(other than strings of hex) to anyone?
EDIT: Here's the Sempq of the earlier one. [attachmentid=20486]It doesn't usually crash when you're Terran and only crashes the first time you run it in a boot session, i.e. if you restart the mod, it works fine; if you restart your computer, it'll probably crash again. It usually crashes near the neginning of a game. Everything in units.dat is edited, pretty much. I didn't change any sight ranges or give units weapons without iscripts, though. Note: I'm posting this one 'cause the one that's crashing now is my modding contest entry
YET ANOTHER EDIT: The instruction and memory addresses of the error with the current mod are: instruction at 0x01ac5b66 and memory at 0x02c70494.
Something's up with this one area in memory. The addresses for instruction and memory are almost identical (instructions at 0x01a65b66 and 0x01ac5b66, memory at 0x02c00494 and 0x02c70494.) Anyone know the memory structure?