You know how moderators can be any color, green, gold, etc.? Well, I think making their name bold, and keeping the color they have would work..
Anybody else agree with me? I think there should just be something that distinguishes them in their name.
No. You don't quite understand the color scheme. Moderators can not be any color they want. Green signifies a regular member (300+ posts) while gold represents an elite member (1,500+ posts). Some moderators post a lot and others don't.
Super moderators, DLDB keepers, administrators, and tutorial keepers have distinguishable names. Other than that, there is no need to do that for moderators becaue each mod takes care of different forums. Super mods and administrators take care of every forum. DLDB keepers take care of the DLDB. Tutorial keepers take care of the tutorials.
Its fine as is.