like 1.14 1.13f u no that stuff
but u don get memgraft in 1.14
what about 1.07? and if you find it let me know where
just kidding..actually no. but i recommend 1.13e for a start.
1.13e if you want to be more modern. 1.12b, however, is the way to go if you want units to morph. I think they "repaired" that in 13a? 13c? Anyway, either 13e or 12b is a good patch for Memgrafting.
in my oppinion, currently 1.12b version best version for modding
bcuzz there are supported most funtions for Stargraft and Memgraft patching
and 1.12b fixed most major bug of SC and there are no new bugs which have
drone/hatchury bug in after version
and 1.13e version doesn't work some zerg's funtions for morphing and creat
something besides many SC player hate that version becuzz there are
so many most biggest bugs
many Korea SC pro-league host has been offer frequently to fix drone/hatchury bug
to Blizzard from when 1.13e and 1.13f released
that most biggest why blizzard has updates to new version 1.14