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Staredit Network -> Modding Chat -> Iscript "Unknowns"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-11 at 16:58:12
I feel sure that by this time complete knowledge of what each of the "Unknown#" in the iscript.bin's animations is (e.g. Unknown18, Unknown19 etc.) lurks somewhere in the modding community. I'd like to compile (no pun intended) a list of these for myself and anyone else who wants it. A couple I know from my own pokings:

Unknown19 is building/working animation.
Unknown21 is Protoss warp-in animation.

Anyone else have anything to contribute?

Note that I don't mean opcodes (those scare me) but the routine names.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-11 at 18:19:26
I don't think it really matters, but I can look into them if you want... huh.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-11 at 18:58:12
If you don't know them, that's fine. Don't go out of your way to find them. But if anyone does...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-11 at 19:56:54
It's no problem for me, I love solving the unknown and it gives me something to do in this boring town...

here's what I have so far:
Unknown18 - ? (used by drone, infested Command Center, and most terran buildings)
Unknown20 - ? (used by most buildings, vespeen geyser, gathered minerals, psi disrupter)

Now it's time for me to spot what they all have in common...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-11 at 20:58:12
Maybe 18 is "landing?" If you look at orders.dat there's a "Drone Land" command, or something like that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-11 at 21:03:24
I doubt it, after all...why would blizzard need 2 landing opcodes? tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-11 at 21:27:48
'Cause the actual "Landing" routine isn't used for landing; I just looked through the iscript. They're typically just "Playfram" and "wait." Xel'Naga Temple and several other buildings have "Landing" routines. And look at these:

playsnd         471 # Misc\LiftOff.WAV
playfram        5
wait            5
playfram        2
wait            5
playfram        3
wait            5
playfram        4
sigorder        16
goto            InfestedCommandCenterWalking

playsnd         471 # Misc\LiftOff.WAV
playfram        5
wait            5
playfram        2
wait            5
playfram        3
wait            5
playfram        4
sigorder        16
goto            CommandCenterWalking

These sure look like landing routines to me. Or maybe it's lifing off? It's gotta relate to flying in some way. We could remove it and see whether SC crashes when it lifts off or lands. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pie_Sniper on 2006-08-11 at 21:32:58

playsnd        471 # Misc\LiftOff.WAV
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-11 at 21:51:28
I noticed. But "LiftOff" plays "Land.wav."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-08-11 at 22:13:10
The reason there is a drone land command is because once upon a times, drones could fly (seriously).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-12 at 14:02:59
I just checked it, and Unknown18 is definitely the lifting off header...

this means that LiftOff and possible Landing is mis-labelled... crazy.gif

Edit: I just solved Unknown19, it's the actual building's 'is working' header (wow, another thing's mis-labelled crazy.gif )

Headers that where labelled but aren't correct:
• LiftOff
• Landing?
• IsWorking

ADDITION: Thanks for getting me to help you solve the header's unknowns, this will help the modding community alot biggrin.gif

Another ADDITION: I'm having problems solving Unknown20, everywhere I see it it links to the fake "Landing" or "Unknown19". blink.gif If anyone can spot a unit that has actual code in it it would be appreciated.

Edit: turns out every entry Unknown20 is used in links to a idle header, so there's no way we can solve it sad.gif

Another ADDITION: Unknown22 is unused, Unknown23 is used by tank/goliath base to create the turret overlay, and used in installation doodads for something (havn't checked what yet)

Edit: I just looked into it some more, and Unknown23 is used by tanks/goliaths to spawn turrets and by doodads to close them (example: doors and floor glass thingy)

Another ADDITION: Unused24 is used in: most/all terran buildings, Assimilator, and most installation doodads
Unknown 27 links to: landing, Unknown24, Unknown19, Unknown23, GndAttkToIdle, and IsWorking

I'm going to start working on Unused24 now, but there's no way for me to find Unknown27
Report, edit, etc...Posted by StealthyDeath on 2006-08-13 at 01:24:40
I think that each command is different for all of the entries in the iscript.bin.

For example, NexusLanding is the working animation. However the CommandCenterLanding is the "just landed" animation. Another example is CommandCenterBurrowInit is the "lifted off" frame while for a mineral field the BurrownInit is the "low minerals" frame.

Even spells like Psi Storm uses the ConstrctHarvst animation differently then buildings.

I don't believe that you can accurately name each one them. Sure there are similarities with building or units, but they all work differently.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-13 at 01:34:25
The new ones I named are 100% accurate, since every entry with them uses them the same. (I only named stable ones)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by L-inspecteur_Chocolat on 2006-08-16 at 14:25:25
I think the last four(?) animations deal with Set Doodad State, unless that is already in recent programs? I use good ol' ICE.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-16 at 15:07:34
So thus far we have:

**Unknown18-Actual lifting-off animation
**Unknown19-Actual working animation
Unknown20-Still unknown (and unsolvable)
**Unknown21-Protoss warp-in animation
**Unknown23-Turret overlay creation/doodad disabling
Unknown24-Unknown (but in progress?)
Unknown25-27-Related to doodads? And TF, you said 27 is unsolvable?

Marked ones are solved. Wow, we've got five of them figured out--although I picked up on Unknown21 when reading an old thread about warping in buildings. So 24-27 are the only ones we haven't figured out.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-16 at 15:15:40
Unknown 21 - considered unsolved still (I still haven't verified it)
Unknown 24 - "opens certain doodads, and used for idle/linking to idle headers", in case you couldn't notice,
I couldn't think of a name. tongue.gif
Unknown27 - (links to landing, Unknown24, Unknown19, Unknown23, GndAttkToIdle, and IsWorking),
as you can see Unknown27 is unsolvable also
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-16 at 15:56:47
I've verified 21. Endlessly. With it, any building can warp in. Without it, they tend to freeze right when the warp overlay should appear and then crash Starcraft after a few seconds. Only Protoss buildings normally have it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-16 at 16:12:59
If that's the case, then why's it used in nuclear missiles and every protoss ground/air unit? blink.gif

Like I said, it still needs to be solved tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-16 at 16:58:17
I can answer all of that except the nuke bit. Protoss units, once upon a time, warped in. If you look at Unknown21's, you'll notice that all of them except the nuke's call Warp flash overlays. Maybe it's just a very initial animation--one that plays as soon as the unit appears--that goes even before init.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-16 at 17:04:34
Well, the nuke might've used something similar in the beta, I guess this one's solved... smile.gif

Now all we need to do is re-solve the already-labelled headers

ADDITION: I know this is slightly off topic, but it does fit the topic name...
does anyone have any clue what __38 does? I've looked into it alot and I'm kind've stumped with it...

P.S. Just so you know, it's only used in vespeen geysers (and gas mining buildings)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2006-08-17 at 06:03:43
Nuke...hmm...maybe it has to do with the "launching" part of its animation?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-17 at 10:03:09
That's what I'm thinking. I'll tentatively call it "Pre-init animation." Now, someone said that 25-27 are related to doodads? Well, 27 TF said is unsolvable. But what about 25 and 26?

EDIT: Bah, foolish me. I didn't realize that 25 and 26 are Burrowing scripts. Anyway, it looks like we've got them all figured out or labelled as unsolvable. Would someone like to confirm this?

Another EDIT: @TF: I looked at the Vespene Geyser script, and it looks like _38 is probably "Make a puff of gas."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-08-17 at 15:11:17
I finished my testing on the header files, now there's only 3 I'm not to sure about what label to give them and one partially unknown. (needs partial testing)

here's my complete list of solved unknowns/mislabeled headers:

Unknown18 - LiftOff (confirmed)
Unknown19 - IsWorking (confirmed)
Unknown20 - Unknown20 (always links to a header use-able as a idle animation)
Unknown21 - building warp-in animation (confirmed)
Unknown22 - Unused (confirmed, but could still have a unknown use)
Unknown23 - (used to spawn image for tank/goliath turret and close certain doodads)
(enable or dissable doodad state?)

Unknown24 - (most/all terran buildings, Assimilator, most installation doodads)
(opens certain doodads, and used for idle/linking to idle headers)
(enable or dissable doodad state?)

Unknown27 - (links to landing, Unknown24, Unknown19, Unknown23, GndAttkToIdle,
and IsWorking)

SpAbility1 - Unused (confirmed, but could still have a unknown use)
SpAbility2 - CastSpell (confirmed, casts all spells except burrow/unburrow,
but it does have a few exceptions)

SpAbility3 - Unused (confirmed, but could still have a unknown use)
BurrowInit - Other2 (confirmed, it has multiple uses)
IsWorking - AlmostBuilt (confirmed, is used for buildings/units building them)
Landing - Built (confirmed)
LiftOff - Landing (confirmed) (the funniest mistake of all tongue.gif )
ConstrctHarvst - Burrowed&CancelMorph (partially confirmed, uses while burrowed?)

P.S. don't say we need to test the rest, I re-tested every header and only posted the mis-labelled ones.
Also, you can test these all you want, I can personally guarantee I got 100% of them 100% right (with the confirmed ones)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-08-17 at 15:18:09
When I get home (next week) i can recompile IceCC with the correct labels.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord_Agamemnon(MM) on 2006-08-17 at 15:19:46
Once we get the last one, (you said there's still one unknown,) I'll send this off to the Tutorial Database.
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