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Staredit Network -> Serious Discussion -> How do YOU think we could end the War
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lil-Brit on 2006-08-16 at 19:44:48
Post your own personnal opinions on what YOU think england and america should do to stop the War smile.gif Dont just say 'wipe them out' because thats called genicide, and we don't want that happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by XGuy on 2006-08-16 at 19:46:36
Huh? What war?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lil-Brit on 2006-08-16 at 19:48:46
Between Mars and Earth, don't you listen to the news? biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Grizzly(B2BF) on 2006-08-16 at 19:52:58
Use baseball bats...I've seen worms it works a treat...*plop* right into the water.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SkiLLz on 2006-08-17 at 02:57:22
Well, if you're talking about the Iraq war, I say we get our troops out of freakin Iraq. No body wants our soldiers there. No one. Even Iraq wants us to get the f*ck out bleh.gif . So, If I remember right, we set them up with a gov't, so why not let them go on their own? I don't even understand why we are still in there.

P.S.: If you were serious about the Mars and Earth thing... sorry about this post. I figured you were being sarcastic blink.gif .
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stilth on 2006-08-17 at 08:04:32
Can't just pull out untill the job is done, else we'd look like a bunch of chumps.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ihjel on 2006-08-17 at 09:04:37
the first step could be not to start them...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-08-17 at 15:52:56
End war = destroy every human being in the universe.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-08-17 at 16:05:03
T3h 4-BOMBz0RZ! That'd work, or we could drug them all out of their minds with laughing gas and send them to prison.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SkiLLz on 2006-08-17 at 23:20:40
QUOTE(Stilth @ Aug 17 2006, 08:04 AM)
Can't just pull out untill the job is done, else we'd look like a bunch of chumps.

What job are we doing? ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2006-08-17 at 23:50:35
Our big fat america dance.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-08-18 at 01:54:26
The war? The Iraq war? Just begin withdrawing US troops.

QUOTE(Stilth @ Aug 17 2006, 05:04 AM)
Can't just pull out untill the job is done, else we'd look like a bunch of chumps.

Job is done? What job? To remove Saddam from power? Done. To give the Iraqis a constitution? Done. To give the Iraqis a permanent democratic government? Done. To completely secure American oil interests in Iraq? Maybe not, but are you sure that's "the job"?

If you mean "end all war", It's simply impossible unless there is a global confederate government with the military authority to stop local conflicts and enforce order. And such a global government just won't happen.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-08-18 at 06:51:24
QUOTE(lil-Brit @ Aug 16 2006, 08:44 PM)
Post your own personnal opinions on what YOU think england and america should do to stop the War smile.gif Dont just say 'wipe them out' because thats called genicide, and we don't want that happy.gif

There are more than just england and america in the war.

Its not called "genicide".

Why do you ask for opinions without presenting your own?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-08-18 at 10:29:53
QUOTE(Killer_Kow(MM) @ Aug 18 2006, 01:51 PM)
Why do you ask for opinions without presenting your own?

I also do that, and you don't seem to blame me. It's called "starting a discussion". Usually it's done with a phrase "what do you think about..."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2006-08-18 at 14:02:49
I believe that we never should have gotten involved in Iraq. However, I also believe that we have a bit of a responsibility now to set the country back on its feet. Even though it pains me to say it, I think we should stay in Iraq. We got that country into what is essentially a civil war, and we should get it back out. I know there are many of you that will undoubtedly disagree with me, but my conscience dictates that we try to help these people that we have hurt so much over the past few years.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lil-Brit on 2006-08-18 at 15:14:46
QUOTE(Killer_Kow(MM) @ Aug 18 2006, 10:51 AM)
There are more than just england and america in the war.

Yes but England and America are the biggest (Not including iraq)
QUOTE(Killer_Kow(MM) @ Aug 18 2006, 10:51 AM)
Its not called "genicide".

Isn't it?
QUOTE(Killer_Kow(MM) @ Aug 18 2006, 10:51 AM)
Why do you ask for opinions without presenting your own?

As SkiLLz said, i was starting the discussion
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SkiLLz on 2006-08-21 at 02:03:15
First off, I believe it is Genocide, with an 'O'.

If I remember correctly, Geno comes from the latin mening "family" and Cide comes from the greek meening "kill". (The Greek and Latin might be switched) But if we go and drop a bomb killing them all, that would technically be Genocide because it would kill off family names.

I think we need wars sometimes, but when we declared war on Iraq, we were simply poking our noses in someone else's busniess. Ya, of course I think what was going on was wrong, but other countries might not agree with what we are doing and perhaps come after us if we keep it up (not that we couldn't kick the ass of any army) I just think it should be like the voters choice on wether or not we go to war.

FACT: I was at a pizza shop that has a TV in it and it was on the local news station. Of all the countries, as far as happyness goes, we placed either 22nd or 23rd (I can't remember). No offense to any countries, but freaken Ethiopia is probably happier than us. For the so called "richest country", that's embarassing.

Sorry for drifting off in places, I just felt like saying it.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-08-21 at 02:19:49
For clarification, genocide is derived from the Greek genos, meaning race, or kind; and the Latin cidere, meaning to kill.

To commit genocide is to kill or exterminate of a race or kind (i.e. the Holocaust was a genocide of the Jews)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-08-21 at 06:50:13
QUOTE(Jammed @ Aug 18 2006, 11:29 AM)
I also do that, and you don't seem to blame me. It's called "starting a discussion". Usually it's done with a phrase "what do you think about..."

I probably never saw you do it before.

And I should think it should be done with "What do you think about... I believe..."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-08-21 at 09:02:46
gen·o·cide    ( P )    (jn-sd)
The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.

Does that clear things up. Also whoever said the other countrys well I guess that could be considered allies because canada is in the situition too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lil-Brit on 2006-08-21 at 17:12:39
Hmm ok, thanks for clearing up my SMALL error tongue.gif so lets get back to the discussion shall we?
I think we should give teh land back and let them sort themselfs out, i know we put them in a bad situation but it was even worse with Sadam (Though the people of Iraq won't admit that) Im sure if they work together they can get it all back to peace, the only thing we need to do is get rid of main threats and try stop terrorism, i know thats almost impossible but hey lets give it a shot.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by marxel on 2006-09-01 at 08:13:20
End war = destroy every human being in the universe.

I remember this from Call of Duty 2.
"As long as there are men there will be wars."

I agree with it. Conflicts can never end unless we destroy every living organism in the universe, which is probably impossible to be done by humans.

And yes, I quote many things from COD2(just bought it biggrin.gif ).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-09-01 at 08:22:17
"As long as there are men there will be wars."

Agreed... it's in human nature to compete with others for survival (good thing, too, or we wouldn't be here). As long as there are humans, there will be competition for resources. And competition for resources leads to war.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Demon on 2006-09-01 at 17:19:49
I think that competing and warring isn't always a bad thing. War actually does some good things, heck Earth could use the populatoin drop ;P. The drop in population would do alot considering that means less use of resources, less consumption of food, and less people to take open jobs in a sense. I bet I look really terrible after this post XD.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Falcon_A on 2006-09-02 at 02:45:15
I bet I look really terrible after this post XD.

Not really, I can see where you're coming from, and actually sorta agree.

Anyway, about the 'war' in Iraq...

First off: I don't approve of it, I wouldn't have went in like this in the first place, that is, if I controlled the army.

But, since we are there, I see two possible ways to end the conflict. 1: Leave. For multiple reasons, I wouldn't do that in this situation. Moral reasons, like, the people want to be free an' crap and they can't be unless we 'protect' them...Politcal reasons, like, it would look pretty bad if we go in and leave after being 'beaten' by a bunch of ...err... 'ragtag' rebels.

Or, option 2: Shoot everyone. Civilians "might" be a threat? Assume they are. You can't walk around through a community asking people if they're terrorists and then them pulling an ak-47 out and shooting you after you walk by and tell them to have fun farming. We picked option 3:

3: Attempt to 'liberate' and uhh sit there for 40 years and 're-educate' people, set up a government, etc etc...Same thing that we did after WWII in Germany and Japan. Except, back then, the people of the United States believed we were right. Now, the next president, if Bush doesn't, will pull our troops out "before the job is done", and there will be no serious result.

I would have just blown their asses up. Is every Middle-Easterner a terrorist? No. Is this overly harsh? Yes. Are the people there innocent civilians? In my opinion, no. Even the ones who Don't try to kill you. They're learning in their own schools, their own churches, and their society portrays the United States of America as evil. So even the people that won't kill you now will still hate America, will have kids that hate America, teach people to hate America, and eventually be the ones drafted into an Iraqi resistance against you if you don't start teaching them differently.

Manipulation? Yes. Does it happen here and everywhere else anyway? Yes. I go to a New York school, with teachers who have degrees from New York schools, who teach me all the same bullcrap, and when my parents know about things that are taught completely differently to me today, I really start to wonder what the truth is, so, the point of me saying that was just the fact that our country does it to our own kids as well. Does it make it right? No. But it happens anyway, so why not do it to them as well?

Anyway, point was, Kill everyone or kill noone. Or actually do an operation like this successfully, take out the leaders, set up your crap and stay there, let them know how much you rule. Give the guy a washing machine, clothes, an air conditioner, plumbing, electrical power, and they'll realize "Hm, actually having luxury instead of living in a shack is kinda cool." Then they start to like you, maybe the countries become good friends.

Sorry for writing some giant freaking essay about that crap. If you read that, thanks for listening, and note how my opinions are kinda freaked up and warped, sorry. Lol. Anyway, I didn't address the other question...ending war in general.

Not possible. Maybe through generations of brainwashing, then maybe you can make that part of human nature submit to the utopian society in which we would be living. But war is human nature, as previously said. Envy is human nature. Envy leads to wars. One guy has something the other guy wants, and the first guy won't share, or can't share, and they're forced to fight over it. If it was something as easy as, say, someone needs place to stay, you can offer them a spare bunk. However, if it's something like water...and you just don't have enough go around, then it's an issue. It's either one person accepts they die for the group...or they fight over it and try to save themselves. Second one is more likely. I doubt that war will ever completely stop, or that the 'nations' of the world will ever work together as the planet earth as instead of however the freak many countries we have all vying for themselves...
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