ok so i added the button for a scv to build a nuke silo all the button action is working except one thing the scv doesnt do anything what do i need to do??
im having the same problem with scanner sweep i put it in the command center but when i hit it it does nothing
1)Spell requirements
2)Nuke silo is an addon - remove this flag and see what happens
i already did that still didnt do anything
Nuclear silo the building..
Ok so did you do the requirements correctly?
Say.. edit the nuke silo to be able to be built from a SCV and not a CC
Erase everything that is there and add, op code current unit must be next and a ne param which should be the SCV unit.
You must check the flags buildings in datedit and uncheck the Add on ones.
In the buttons tab did you do everything correctly? the Ids and stuff?
If it's not anything of that explain more and maybe we can get to it
I tried doing this earlier and it didn't work. I think the add-on buildings have something hard-coded about being add-ons.
Same thing as what farty had his problem with making a supply depot upgrade withut an scv, you need to do the opposite and make it so it needs an scv to touch it to finish somehow..
Problem solved it was in the unit requirements in memgraft apperently you cant leave a or in a spot unless theres something after it thanks for the help guys corbo thanks for making me think to check my work again