The string theory is the beleif that instead of pont module, the universe is built on tiny filament vibrating strings.
This explains how Large space, (Gravity) which is smooth and curved can be the same as Quantam mechanics where its chaotic and random (as Point module explained.) But using String theory, the small space appears less chaotic and random, and it shows how Weak force, Gravity, Radiation and Electro-Magnetism all come together.
The only problem is that string theory assumed that there were an extra 6 dimension apart from the usual 4 (Up and down, Left and right, backwards and forwards and time) that were influencing how these strings vibrate, and were so tiny that they were invisible.
What is your idea on String theory? do you think its possible? if not why?
There are many more factors regarding Strign theory that i really cant be bothered typign out. if anyone else wnats to, be my guest =].
EDIT: It is now suggested that there are 11 Dimensions, according to String Theory (which has been renamed M Theory because of the change, which suggest that strings could stretch, being more like membranes, or branes for short.).
String theory didn't simply become M-Theory, m theory is a different theory, along with F theory and K theory, which all evolved from strign theory.
Yes, but most of the people who were following any of the original 5 string theories moved over to M theory, so it's "supposedly" the most popular..