Oranges taste disgusting! Their juice is bitter, and makes me grimace. It also pinches my cheeks. But the apple! Very tasty, juicy, and of course, delicious! Healthy for you, comes in three colors (lol), and...uh...the other person thinks so too! Apples are...good
The things you can make with apples.
*Apple pie
*Apple cookies
*apple juice
*apple soda
*apple snappers
*fuzzy apple
*apple wine
*apple spice
ANyways Ralph Nader is cool so he wins.
I like apples a little better than oranges, but who needs either when you've got Sie?
Apples pwn oranges but there are some things that oranges can make that apples cant...Like...
*Apple pie
*Apple cookies
*apple juice
*apple soda
*apple snappers
*fuzzy apple
*apple wine
*apple spice
Orange cookies
Orange juice
Orange soda
Orange snappers
fuzzy Orange
Orange wine
Orange spice
..... i think your right apples are better
Apples have cider and tasty candy, Oranges have orange soda and orange chocolate.
I hate them both, unless they are one of thoes 4 things.