Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Computers and Technical -> Auto-it Macro
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pyro-Fire on 2006-08-23 at 10:49:24
OK i am trying to make a macro that records mouse clicks. i have got it down perfectly except it doesnt see the "end-of-file" (-1) in @error, meaning it doesnt automatically stop the macro, but shuts it down completely which can be quite annoying.


While $b = 2
 $line = FileReadLine("ClickLog.txt", $i)
 $Logs = StringSplit($line, ",")
 MouseMove($Logs[2], $Logs[3], 2)
 $i = $i + 1

 If @error = -1 Then
  $i = 1
  $b = 1

Also; can someone plz also tell me how i could record keypress functions? so i know if anything is typed while its recording (such as in a txt file)

It's just for personal use so i can know who uses my comp while im afk - and what they do....
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TRiGGaMaSTa on 2006-08-27 at 16:30:57
So you pretty much want a keylogger? I don't know how to make it though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-08-27 at 18:05:56
Just use one soembody else made. Look for a freeware keylogger.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pie_Sniper on 2006-08-27 at 18:35:35
He wants it to log clicks, as well... And may I ask why you chose AutoIt to do this for you?
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