Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Ideas -> Your PC is Not Safe!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xveter2000 on 2006-08-24 at 14:10:47
You surf adult related sites...
Many files are stored on your hard drive...
These files show what sites you have visited...
DriveCleaner eliminates them all!

2Admin: Sorry if the message doesn't suit your forum. Kindly ask to move it to an appropriate section. Thank you ;-)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Laser_Dude on 2006-08-24 at 14:21:55
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Rules and Regulations)
Do not solicit commercial or personal products, scams, chain letters, clan recruitments, marketing, or games (ie, outwar). You are allowed to include links to your website in the proper places such as your profile, signature, and the Creative Works forum.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by WoodenFire on 2006-08-24 at 14:53:21
You are allowed to include links to your website in the proper places such as your profile, signature, and the Creative Works forum.

Wait, so you ARE allowed to post your website on the forums. And I see that it also says "Such As..." and not "Only" so that if my Website has direct meaning and justification being posted in the Maps In Production Forum, then It is protected by the rules of SEN.

Interesting how my Crescent Dyne thread was closed because LegacyWeapon said it was Spam, isn't this prooving he is wrong?

I am not understanding this.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-08-24 at 15:00:57
Obviously an admin hasn't gotten here yet, Wooden... the thread is only an hour old...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-08-24 at 16:06:16
This program looks like bullcrap to me. A real tool I'd use wouldn't give me popups, do some bogus scan in a Flash player, a throw a .exe download at me roughly a hundred times.

Even better.....

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