The Iscript is a command-line programming language, the default headers are used for certain unit commands/controls,
you can create as many extra headers as you want, but the script won't use them unless it's linked by a default header.
when the graphic loads, it starts at the Init header, whenever the graphic is sent a command (move, attack, etc)
or the goto opcode is used, the graphic will move to the new header specified and read the commands from that header,
when the graphic reads the header, it reads them in order from top to bottom, meaning that you'd need to add wait commands in order for it to function correctly, and to prevent crashes.
now as for the commands,
here's a textfile I made that should help you out with it.
That explains
everything I know about iscripting in a few simple sentences (unlike the manual
if you ever have any questions feel free to ask.