Author: - RpG)FuNnYBoy
Original Topic (Chinese): China Starcraft-RPG Alliance
Translate By GanKeyu
Use Tool (Only 2):StarGraft MemGraft 1.2
All the images are in the China Server.
The Result Photo
1, Open StarGraft, and make a new patch.
2, Find "Terran Vulture(Unit)" in the list, then select "Spider Mine" in the "Command" box.
3, Modify "Req Type" to "ALWAYS", then modify "Req String" to empty.
(If you will the Hero Vulture likes this, please do step 1-3)
4, Select "Tech Use" in "Requirements", and look for "Spider Mines"
5, Edit all things, and they look like the following photo.
6, Package with MemGraft (or other softwares)