I thought i could just pop up here and remember you that the Summer Modding Contest Deadline is in exactly 15 days, i have just recieved updates from 2 mods, so i assume you are all very busy working in your mods and that's why i haven't heard from you, if it isn't that...
What are you waiting for? why are you reading this? start working!
Sorry, the past few days I've been busy helping a bunch of people out/doing other work and forgot about the mod...
I'm getting back to work with it now...I guess I need to visit SEN less these next few days...(for more actual modding time)
So......Less than half a month right now Comon people don't disappoint me!
I've been sending updates to KK...
I've been working hard on my mod. It took me like, two hours to get the Siege Tank effect just right, I've never done anything like it before. IceCC crashed twice and I had to reset my iscript both times - I think the scripts I'm making are too big or something. Which is wierd, IceCC took my six-thousand line iscript before. It hasn't crashed since though.
Probably the Siege Tank and the Carrier are going to be the most original iscripting techniques that'll be in this mod, I definitely don't think the Siege Tank effect has been done before, and I'm 95% sure the Carrier's effect is new as well. We'll see though.
I'm also annoyed at how the Goliath attack doesn't look anything like how I envisioned, so I'm going to try something else for that. And I don't want to include the new High Templar attack for balance reasons - I don't think spellcasters should attack. But the effect would have been so good, I don't think it's been done before and I've been wanting to do it for ages! Oh well, I'll have to find another unit for the effect. Hmmm...
I really don't know how I'm going to make this mod balanced. I don't know if that's even possible, with all the super attacks. It's definitely going to be fun to play though.
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Sep 3 2006, 02:50 PM)
I've been sending updates to KK...
...everything is supposed to be sent to me... or did you send your minerals to kk?You're never on...
sorry, i just cant seem to get an idea for this modding tourney. im sorry. and i have also been busy with real-life issues (you know, the thing that many people here dont have)
QUOTE(BSTRhino @ Sep 3 2006, 11:58 PM)
I've been working hard on my mod. It took me like, two hours to get the Siege Tank effect just right, I've never done anything like it before. IceCC crashed twice and I had to reset my iscript both times - I think the scripts I'm making are too big or something. Which is wierd, IceCC took my six-thousand line iscript before. It hasn't crashed since though.
As far as I remember, Iscript.bin had an upper size limit, one that is a hardcoded value, which is what might be causing problems. But if you got it to work, then whatever...
QUOTE(Pyro-Fire @ Sep 3 2006, 10:09 PM)
sorry, i just cant seem to get an idea for this modding tourney. im sorry. and i have also been busy with real-life issues (you know, the thing that many people here dont have)
Believe it or not, most the people here do have those...
(at least I do, that's why I havn't finished the mod yet.
12 days......
Why not just put it on the front of the Topic 'Summer Modding Contest'?
Or did you
Yeah, I thought the upper limit was like, 64 KB and I'm up to 42 KB, so I didn't think it was that. Anyway, it seems to have compiled that script and a whole lot of other ones now which are several thousand lines, so I don't really know what happened. It must've been something else besides the size. Well, I sure hope it is, I haven't even done the Ultralisk yet, and that was six thousand lines the first time round. I now realise that if each line takes up a two bytes, that's 12 KB, which is pretty significant, so I'm trying to reduce the lengths of my iscript wherever possible.
Oh gosh I wish I could just tell you guys about the new effect I just finished for my Vulture, but we're competing.
man that much iscript editing BSTRhino you scare me!! theres no way in heck ill get near winning but atleast it will be a good learning expierence
Yup, I think it would be good to provide BST's scripts as an example of creative and proficient Isripting. As tutorials or something...
I also wonder why everyone is so crazy about attack effects? Move or death effects would be much more fun, and hell it would be original, no?
Movement or death effects... ha, good point. Well, I got one kind of movement effect thingy going on but yeah... maybe I should think about that.
For the iscripts, the larger ones I generate using either JavaScript or Microsoft Excel and they look really messy. You should see one of the scripts I've got for the Glave Wurm. Urrgggh. But it takes too long to code them better and I figure you get the same effect in the end. I'd hate to be the one reading them though, gosh that'd be hard.
Oh man I wish I could show you my new Mutalisk effect, it's come out so much better than I thought it would. I ran into a major barrier to the original effect that I wanted, so I realised it wasn't possible and so I came up with something else, and I'm so glad because it looks way cooler.
I've learnt so much since Zerg Doom, it's really cool to have an excuse to use what I've learnt. I've been staying up until 1 AM for the past few nights because I'm so excited about this mod. I can't wait to see it finished, I hope it meets everyone's expectations. I'm trying to aim for some kind of balance in the mod, but at the same time I feel like I don't want to do that because part of the fun of using Zealots and things was how they would wipe out entire armies in one rage shockwave. But I've decided to put balance first.
Gosh it's so fun remaking the things in the previous Doom mods because I can look back at each thing and go "wow, it took me aaaaaages to work that out!" Seriously, I remember that time I made the spinning Zealot rage attack just to be silly, since I had never seen the turn commands used like that. In fact, I wasn't even sure if it was going to work, so I put the attack with the turn commands in a nobrkcode block because I thought the unit would turn back to its target. It doesn't turn back to it's target, I know that now, and I also know now that if it did, a nobrkcode block wouldn't change that. Wow, what a journey it's been.
QUOTE(BroodKiller @ Sep 5 2006, 05:02 AM)
I also wonder why everyone is so crazy about attack effects? Move or death effects would be much more fun, and hell it would be original, no?
Thanks for giving away some of the surprise from the mod I'm working on...
(it's full of movement effects
P.S. BSTRhino, your mod sounds pretty good, I can't wait to see what you came out with if I ever get my game fully fixed...
QUOTE(Pyro-Fire @ Sep 3 2006, 09:09 PM)
sorry, i just cant seem to get an idea for this modding tourney. im sorry. and i have also been busy with real-life issues (you know, the thing that many people here dont have)
I love it how many people sometimes are just irrationally hostile and gay..Just be careful...I see something I like - I may copy the idea for my mod(not for the contest).
Oh, don't look at me like that. I did the tech trees myself...
good luck w/ your mods
Death explosions that hurt others are really cool, like when a carrier explodes it should "crash" and damage nearby units.
There's only a week between you,your mod and me.
Remember that if i don't get the mod before Saturday 16 of september at 00:00 -1
You can beg as much as you want and you can be moose, ip, devilesk, santa and even the seven colored flying fish (not the yu-gi-oh card) and you will still not get your entry in the contest.
Arrgggh... I don't want to have to rush this mod. I'll try my best to do it in time, but if I don't get it in by the deadline, it's for the best.
If its not done, submit what you have. I wanna see it anyway
QUOTE(Corbo(MM) @ Sep 7 2006, 11:00 PM)
There's only a week between you,your mod and me.
Remember that if i don't get the mod before Saturday 16 of september at 00:00 -1
You can beg as much as you want and you can be moose, ip, devilesk, santa and even the seven colored flying fish (not the yu-gi-oh card) and you will still not get your entry in the contest.
You lied to us all!
When you said the deadline was the 16th, I thought you meant before that day ends...not the deadline being on the 15th at 11:59!
O well...this just means that I need to hurry up more...and Ian needs to hurry up with his testing...
Also, you probably need to tell everyone your email the day before the contest ends, I don't know how to send you the mod.
As long as you don't release it I can submit a partially complete mod.
I won't release anything you don't want released. Simple as that.
As for the e-mails, they're in the news topic, just look for a bit.