My memgraft patches work like they are supposed to and i have the non hex code typo version. 99% of the time when i exit for minimize starcraft the screen just turns black. Windows media player will keep playing, so its just my screen that is messed up, but the only thing i can do is restart the comp with the on/off button.
What do you mean "Exit for minimize Starcraft?" Do you mean when you hit the "Campaign Editor" button in the main menu?
That's caused by your computer not having enough RAM for a memgraft-patched starcraft and your media players.
By exit or minimize i mean when i click the exit button in main menu, game menu, or do ctr+alt+del end task, or alt tab.
As to the memory I have 1GB and it freezes even without media player running. Does the memgraft patch really take that much?
No. 1gb is more than enough to run a lot more than just Starcraft and a media player.
Well then if i have plenty of ram (
YAY RAM!!) what is causing the crash?
Perhaps a virus or background tasks running are eating it up. Open your task manager and check.