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Staredit Network -> Modding Assistance -> i got some questions
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CommmanderMoo19 on 2006-09-04 at 23:55:47
1 what file contains the tech tree???

2 is it still considered changing unit graphics wen u make a vulture look like a battlecruiser and a refinery look like a missile turret??

3am i able to use graphics from another game like empire earth 2??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2006-09-05 at 03:01:37
1. There is no single file that contains the tech trees. It's all in the hardcoded unit/building/tech requirements ( MemGraft/StarGraft stuff ) . If you change the Ghost not to require Covert Ops, then it simply won't require Covert Ops.

2. Depends on who you ask. Some people think of 'changing unit graphics' as necesitating the addition of completely new ones, some don't.

3. Legally, no, so far as I know. Technicaly, quite easily -- for 2d games, simply extract their sprites, split them into individual bitmaps, get their colors to match the Starcraft palette, compile into *.grp, and put it in. Would probably require iscript editing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CommmanderMoo19 on 2006-09-05 at 10:10:21
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Corbo(MM) on 2006-09-05 at 14:22:41
Ok so here are my replies.
QUOTE(CommmanderMoo19 @ Sep 4 2006, 09:55 PM)
1 what file contains the tech tree???

There's no specific file that contains the "tech tree"; if you want to edit the tech tree you can use memgraft/stargraft.
2 is it still considered changing unit graphics wen u make a vulture look like a battlecruiser and a refinery look like a missile turret??

It is considered Changing graphics, to my opinion but else they are no considered custom graphics.
3am i able to use graphics from another game like empire earth 2??

As EZ said, legally no. it results as in copyright infrigment or w/e it is.
You can use other games graphics if you have all the frames required, it's very easy to do 2d to 2d graphics but not 3d to 2d so keep that in mind.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xx.Doom.xX on 2006-09-05 at 16:40:30
As EZ said, legally no. it results as in copyright infrigment or w/e it is.
You can use other games graphics if you have all the frames required, it's very easy to do 2d to 2d graphics but not 3d to 2d so keep that in mind.

Only say if its another mods graphics. You could probably use WarCraft's Units graphics if you were making a Warcraft mod on starcraft lol.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Corbo(MM) on 2006-09-05 at 17:22:50
No, Legally you cannot reproduce anything about the game, they don't care for what usage is, they don't mind if it's for a sc mod or w/e you want it. you must hae legal permission and i doubt blizzard would let you reproduce their units, haven't you heard about the legendary wc2 SC mod where the modder was sued by blizzard?
I know someone else will post more about it tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by nirvanajung on 2006-09-05 at 18:54:24
That have very abstruse and diversity criterions of judgment

Basically Most Game Modding is none commercial work
so it's have some diffcult and different criterions from other general legal

But if just use other Game contents as totally same without edit to different figure
from original sources by ur hand and work
that's be out of legal
like in a word if just copy and paste from original sources
that's just steal other copyright

but if just use that sources as reference source, and if modify and edit to different
shape and figures
that would be no big problem to use in Game modding unless that mod isn't go to
none commercial way

but that would be better get answer to "ok" from coproducer as possible
Although many contents of games are stand on they rights

but if just refer they contents most company don't clame to like that
in Game Modding case bcuzz Mod is Customer's Communication
So many company are recognition mod contents if not use as totally same as original

but that isn't rule , they have each diversity criterion of judgment on that
even though use to reference they contents

if mod is have most contents as like their contents they could be clame
such as Game title and game graphics

but that isn't rule either, that just each company's mind
if they think mod is good for game fans and activation players game Community
they just Accept irrespective of rights

for example WC3 has so many Custom Mod and Custom Contents
and in there are StarCraft and World of WarCraft sources and Contents

Blizzard not clame about that they just leave pplz to use that Custom Contents
But this case just thier rights
StarCraft and WoW is their properties

But in C&C General Mod, there is StarCraft mod
that SC mod for C&C General game Also that mod had released
but they hasn't get take clame Blizzard just Accept release

i don't know now they still Accept that but that was realsed for public

Besides, in other Games there are so many other game mods which
Conversioned like as other game and Movie titles and contents

if say this issue to easier,
if u just referring that original sources and edit to something different figure and
shape then that would be no big problem
So don't just copy and paste other game's sources
should change something from original atleast

this issue is very abstruse and diversity criterions

but if creat like other game contents by ur hand from scratch for none commercial MOD
that would be no big problem to release
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CommmanderMoo19 on 2006-09-05 at 19:37:10
well i got 2 more questions

the music fer terran protoss and zerg, are they called like music\terran.wav b cuz ive tried that and the music does not get replaced same with the other races

also dealing with graphics do u guys know of any sites that i can get some from??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by nirvanajung on 2006-09-05 at 21:05:23
if u wanna graphic resource which using for StarCraft unit
then there is not many resources bcuzz StarCraft game graphics use isomatrix
and also most unit are constitutioned by 17 degrees of an angle
so if u wanna get fit as Sc unit u should get 3d models or other isomatrix game grpahics
but as far as i know, there are no Total Site
u should get from each by each sites which each game modding community Sites

i know a few good sites but i'd not tell about that sites
bcuzz if u will get from there, u should learn each game modding and graphic
convertors and u should get download from each Download link

But if u will go to just like Buildings,
realation Game Sim city sites would be useful if u wanna go to there
just search in google
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CommmanderMoo19 on 2006-09-05 at 21:12:07
k thnx but what about my other question with the music???
Report, edit, etc...Posted by nirvanajung on 2006-09-05 at 21:16:22
is that was question?
u should divide music files as like this


u can just set 3 music list

other race music either
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CommmanderMoo19 on 2006-09-05 at 21:27:03
which one is the terran theme or all of them are
Report, edit, etc...Posted by nirvanajung on 2006-09-05 at 21:30:40
they all terran theme they played continue with count
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