My mod is almost done but I need to know how to do two things first.
1. I changed the stargate flingy to a pylon. How do I resize its footprint so that when I build it, the placement size will be the same as a pylon's and not the size of the stargate?
2. I no very little about iscripting. I tried to make the Ion Cannon have an attack. 2 bugs with this script
1. cannon doesn't attack. has button and everything, .dat file edited too
2. when it builds it starts out as a zerg building morph graphic then goes invisible, then finishes. This is no big deal, but if someone can tell me how to fix this I would be most greatful
# 292 IonCannon (neutral\ion.grp)
IsId 116
Type 20
Init IonCannonInit
Death IonCannonDeath
GndAttkInit IonCannonGndAttkInit
AirAttkInit IonCannonGndAttkInit
SpAbility1 [NONE]
GndAttkRpt IonCannonGndAttkInit
AirAttkRpt IonCannonGndAttkInit
SpAbility2 [NONE]
GndAttkToIdle IonCannonInit
AirAttkToIdle IonCannonInit
SpAbility3 [NONE]
Walking [NONE]
Other [NONE]
BurrowInit [NONE]
ConstrctHarvst [NONE]
IsWorking IonCannonIsWorking
Landing IonCannonInit
LiftOff [NONE]
Unknown18 [NONE]
Unknown19 IonCannonGndAttkInit
Unknown20 IonCannonUnknown19
Unknown21 [NONE]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
playfram 0
goto IonCannonUnknown19
wait 125
goto IonCannonUnknown19
playsnd 7 # Misc\ExploLrg.wav
imgol 334 0 0 # TerranBuildingExplosionlarge (thingy\tBangX.grp)
wait 3
liftoffcondjmp local00
sprul11 273 0 0 # TerranBuildingRubblesmall (thingy\RubbleS.grp)
wait 1
wait 1
wait 1
goto IonCannonGndAttkInit
playfram 1
goto IonCannonGndAttkInit
If i fix these two problems, my mod should be ready to go minus a few more tech tree edits
As crappy as it is these will be my first real mod