The "Terrain tips and tricks" seems kinda useless.
I've never really looked at it.
"When posting terrain - README"
I read it.
"What is "Blocky"
Hmm... I know it sounds simple, but many people have different visions of blocky. I know because I've seen many pictures which some people just accept, and I can pinpoint such minor things in it and disregard it as ugly. (I critiqued woodenfires stuff quite a bit before he actualy got to doing it himself.)
We really should take the effort and screenshot all the visual effects listed here.
Everyones had this idea. Maybe if we posted a raffle or something, where anyone who gave us an image we needed got 100 minerals or something. (I can't afford something like that, but it would be fun)
And I thought we agreed upon the idea that images had to be nominated by others, but even I couldn't say no to the second image.