Is it possible to make a Infested terran actually like commit suicide and kill a unit but the infested terran doesnt die?
You can try making is range 1 and make him not radial splash
Or make your own custom suicide attack
QUOTE(Lakai @ Sep 13 2006, 04:33 PM)
You can try making is range 1 and make him not radial splash
Or make your own custom suicide attack
What is radial splash?
Also how would i make my own attack. Editing the one they already use???
I suppose u could do it through IScripting
I just looked at the weapon for Suicide on Datedit and reccomended changing aroundf all the splash n crap
QUOTE(Lakai @ Sep 13 2006, 04:48 PM)
I suppose u could do it through IScripting
I just looked at the weapon for Suicide on Datedit and reccomended changing aroundf all the splash n crap
Ok thanks Lakai.
np even if that probably isnt gonna work
I think the only way that would work is Iscripting but its not hard to do datediting so y not try it
1) Change the weapon behavior for "Suicide(Infested Terran) to "Appears on Target." and the graphic to "White Circle(Invisible)"
2) Add an attack script for the IT in ICE(CC). That should do it.
Remove the sigorder command in the burrowinit header, and if it still dies, edit the exe (with memgraft) changing the attack's action type from Attack (Suicide) to Attack
suicide = kill self.
theres no way to suicide and live. end of story.
He means he wants the unit to look like it's suiciding, but still have the unit.
Also, there's no reason to flame.
I think you could remove the unit's graphics temporarily, then play a custom animation identical to unit's death, use the weapon, and then bring the graphics back in?
QUOTE(BroodKiller @ Sep 15 2006, 02:31 PM)
I think you could remove the unit's graphics temporarily, then play a custom animation identical to unit's death, use the weapon, and then bring the graphics back in?
I'll try that, So edit the death of the IT?
And thanks, TERRAINFIGHTER, for the help.
No, do not edit its death animation - copy it to the attack animation, so that it looks like it is dying, but in fact it will not.
QUOTE(BroodKiller @ Sep 16 2006, 12:11 PM)
No, do not edit its death animation - copy it to the attack animation, so that it looks like it is dying, but in fact it will not.
O...i get it
Don't put the "end" command in there, though.
I would've thought you'd need to change the AI/order thing to make the infested terran attack like a normal unit. If you do that, you can script the infested terran just like you would a normal unit.
If I remember right, the infested terran is already dead by the time it gets to its special attack animation (which isn't the regular attack animation because it's not the same order). You can tell whether a unit is already dead or not by checking whether you can still select it during its suicide animation. If I'm right here, then it's just not possible to have the infested terran come back to life after an attack, since it will already be dead.
This is off topic but doomstrike that is a great idea.