Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Miscellaneous -> 5th Station
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-09-15 at 13:42:52
I DL'ed "5th Station" and now I'm trying to pass it. But here is a problem:

I get the explosives, I listen to people talk in the bar about where the vault is and how to enter it, but then I don't know what to do. If I go to the security room, 2 guards come out of it and I get a heart attack. sad.gif I tried to go to the security room before getting the explosives, and nothing happened. I tryed to approach every civilan there is, hoping that he will start a constructive conversation, but I failed...

Please don't tell me how to pass the whole map, just tell me what should my next step be...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heegu on 2006-09-15 at 14:04:19
So ok lets start form beginning... You go get the explosions.. you talk to the people in bar.. then you go to the security level (floor4) and when the guards are coming hide behind the tree doodad. After that talk to the guy in bar.. then go to the research level -->one of the doors there... That should help you alitle smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-09-15 at 14:25:44
Thanks. I beat it smile.gif

Just my first thought when the guards came was "Elevator", but the trigger for it was disabled... I never thought I should hide behind the tree. laugh.gif
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