This has happend to the many web surfers out there.
You go to a site and find out that you can barely read the text or find an annoying sound playing over-and-over-and-over-and-... you get the point.
And you ask me how to fix this very easily? Use
bookmarklets!There are many out there and they are a lot safer than any random program you download off the 'net.
Got a site to list here? Put it here!
Got a bookmarklet you made that might be helpful for others? Add it to this list!
Here is one site to start you off and a javascript link url viewer I made that might be helpful (when it is made into a bookmarklet):
function getalllinks(linklist){
var data = [];
lll = linklist.length;
for (var i = 0; i < lll; i += 1){
data[data.length] = linklist[i].href;}
data = data.sort();
moredata = [null];
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
for (;;){
if (i >= data.length){
if (data[i] != moredata[j]){
j += 1;
moredata[j + 1] = data[i];}
i += 1;}
moredata = moredata.reverse();
moredata.length -= 1;
return moredata;}
function getalllinkstext(linklist, endline){
if (!endline){
endline = '\r\n';}
var data = getalllinks(linklist);
if (data.length < 1){
return 'No links found.';}
result = ['Results:'];
dl = data.length;
for (var i = 0; i < dl; i += 1){
result[result.length] = data[i];}
return result.join(endline);}