Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Clan Mp) -> i want joyn
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-09-16 at 14:26:03
lol i heer this is map makieing clan lolz nd i wnt 2 mayke mapz lots. so liek if ur rekrooting den liek iz dis were i go 2 liek say "ogm i maek mapz nd neeed a plase 2 goooooooooooo" ?? i iz a nub tho so liek bare wit me kthx.

o manz liek i figyured i wud go 2 (U)unown or liek Mp) map produsars. lolz. so yah.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by xMCx on 2006-09-16 at 14:27:03
I'll recruit you, awesome.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Excalibur on 2006-09-16 at 14:27:44
chair.gif laugh.gif

Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-09-16 at 14:30:39
Haha basically VoidArchon made me interested in Mp) again. I was gonna join a while back, but decided to give Oo another chance. Now I just don't really care to stay with Oo. And I also figured I don't have maps that will meet the standards of (U), so why not try Mp).

I'll see what the responses are like before I make up my mind. If I'm not wanted here and all that jazz, then there's no point in me joining.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xMCx on 2006-09-16 at 14:32:20
I'd respect you greatly in Mp). I hope you forgive me for anything I caused you to dislike me about as I will you.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Excalibur on 2006-09-16 at 14:32:22
Silly devlin (U) is inferior to Mp). If you cant make it with (U) you dont have a chance here. [/sarcasm] tongue.gif

Join us, for we have the god, the legend, THE CAYDEN!!

Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-09-16 at 14:34:46
xMCx i dont think you can recruit yet. But you can get people to tryout and ill recruit them.

Devlin come to our channel clan Mp and we will discuss this.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-09-16 at 14:36:14
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xMCx on 2006-09-16 at 14:37:31
Wtf is it with me always saying the wrong clan?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-09-16 at 17:06:31
QUOTE(DevliN @ Sep 16 2006, 11:25 AM)
lol i heer this is map makieing clan lolz nd i wnt 2 mayke mapz lots. so liek if ur rekrooting den liek iz dis were i go 2 liek say "ogm i maek mapz nd neeed a plase 2 goooooooooooo" ?? i iz a nub tho so liek bare wit me kthx.

o manz liek i figyured i wud go 2 (U)unown or liek Mp) map produsars. lolz. so yah.


What in the hell does that say blink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-09-16 at 18:07:48
"I hear this is a map making clan and I want to make maps. So like if you're recruiting then liek is this where I say, 'I make maps and need a place to go.' I am a noob, though, so like bare with me. Okay, thanks.

O man like I figured I would go to (U)Unknown or like Mp) map producers. So yeah."
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