Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.SOLAR.oO on 2006-09-18 at 19:54:51
Oo is going to drop mapmaking and sc completely and we're going to become a WoW guild.
Jkz rofl. But we are expanding! Obviously bnet has seemed to be less active, and it's understandable since Oo's membs average around 16 years old or so, and we have more responsibilities than 10 year olds. Obviously activity comes and goes in a great clan even, so instead of whining about it, or giving up, we're going to expand! Oo will still definately be the best all time mm clan alive, of course, but we will also be opening up some new divisions to spice things up and expand our repitoire. An amazing game is Snipers. There is a huge level of depth in the game, along with a huge and active community of snipers on Bnet. I'm going to be opening the Onslaught Snipers division in an Op Channel to be determined. Oo mapmakers don't have to be part of it, and Snipers don't have to mapmake, but any member who can do both can have special privelages. I'll be more than happy to hold private lessons to teach anyone about the advanced level of play and train them to become a member of onslaught snipers!
Soon after the snipers project is underway, I'm going to be creating a Beta Melee division of Oo! This is really exciting because Melee has the largest following of any community on bnet. The Melee clan will be open to ANYONE who is decent at melee while in it's beta state as a 5th class member, however to rank up you must beat a member of a higher class to enter that class. Onslaught Melee Division: Beta. I know several amazing melee people who can start out as first class and kick everyone into gear.
Each division will have its own Op Chan, Clan Oo will be the mapmaking chan and the main channel for either. This will be really exciting and open up many new doors for all. Talk to me about it if you got any questions comments or ideas!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xMCx on 2006-09-18 at 20:00:48
Perhaps play WoW on Ursin? Now that Sephiroth is gone, the best PvP guild is gone. I don't play WoW anymore, but it would be interesting if I could get my brother to join. If you are a PvP guild, are you going to be a tweak guild, or another kind of guild?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.SOLAR.oO on 2006-09-18 at 20:05:38
LOL someone didnt read past the first line . But seriously respond to anything beyond that
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Vic.oO on 2006-09-18 at 20:21:47
QUOTE(xMCx @ Sep 18 2006, 06:00 PM)
Perhaps play WoW on Ursin? Now that Sephiroth is gone, the best PvP guild is gone. I don't play WoW anymore, but it would be interesting if I could get my brother to join. If you are a PvP guild, are you going to be a tweak guild, or another kind of guild? [right][snapback]563486[/snapback][/right]
anyways, i dont think the op channels will work that good, every1 is just gonna go to clan Oo. and btw i suck at snipers >.>. Also, about the melee, is it money map or non money map?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xMCx on 2006-09-18 at 20:31:22
My apologies. I'm not interested in joining the melee division, but I might play some games with Solar again if he doesn't mind playing me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-09-18 at 20:32:01
maybe expand to cs:s or sourceforts?? that would be cool!! hi sola and the rest of Oo!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-09-18 at 20:52:48
hum lol this is weird.. but hey solar.. how bout you focus on those and i can have clan Oo .
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.SOLAR.oO on 2006-09-18 at 21:01:57
LoL glad to see there aren't any terribly negative reactions . I'll specify a few things! First of all, if you're in Oo. you don't have to be in all 3 divisions! That could be something to shoot for, cuz everyone who is in all 3 can get a special badge with special privelages. I have big plans for this movement and I've already started working on a website. I agree that Clan Oo should be the main base, and there will be op chans for each one as well.
About counterstrike, I think it sounds good, however we have to talk about it! T- would most likely lead it with agent as co leader on cs. Talk to me peeps. Also, when Wii comes out, we will start a SSBM division, but that's in several months.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-09-19 at 00:09:02's a yes?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Jamal.oO on 2006-09-19 at 15:41:51
Mhmm.. Solar will still be leader lol... buy u could be like leader for map making when hes not around.. anyway I like teh idea.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by T-MaStAA on 2006-09-19 at 21:31:37
QUOTE(AgenT_Nick @ Sep 19 2006, 12:31 AM)
maybe expand to cs:s or sourceforts?? that would be cool!! hi sola and the rest of Oo!! ... [right][snapback]563517[/snapback][/right]
Sc:s EEEWWW 1.6 wtf!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)Matt_Burch on 2006-09-20 at 11:57:21
Oh noes.. why did you delete/move my post??
I just put it in my signature then.. so all will know
well have fun being a normal clan instead of a specific clan.
oh and that information is wrong solar..
Oo will still definately be the best all time mm clan alive
Declaring something "the Best" is usually an opinion. Lemme rephrase that for you
Oo will still definately be the best mm clan alive ON EAST other than uUu
and.. how can you be the best mm clan when you are being a melee and sniper and mm clan?? your just being a "clan" now just a normal all around clan.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.SOLAR.oO on 2006-09-20 at 15:56:09
Don't correct me fool! Don't think adding smileys to the end of your obnoxious and incorrect "corrections" makes us think any more highly of them. Jeez ignorance is an ugly thing. Each clan is a part of Oo, but a separate part. There will be different members lists. It's a new idea, and I know it can work.
Note: If you ever try to rephrase something I've said again, I will mail anthrax to your house. (Note to the FBI: I'm joking). And I'll do it too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Weed-4-me on 2006-09-20 at 17:38:04
i am sorry... but i think this is a horrible idea...
i think Oo should remain a sc clan...
i hope ur plan fails and u go back to sc only...
i dont mean to upset anyone... thats just the way i feel...
edit: maybe its becuz ive been innactive for 8 months that i havent been aware of Oo's innactivity...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)Matt_Burch on 2006-09-20 at 17:54:07
weedy.. mine was a fake.. i just removed some sentences and words and punctuation marks.. i didnt add anything tho.. WHAT I SAID IS NOT REAL. Nor is the title.. but meh who cares..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Weed-4-me on 2006-09-20 at 17:55:52
QUOTE(O)Matt_Burch @ Sep 20 2006, 03:53 PM)
weedy.. mine was a fake.. i just removed some sentences and words and punctuation marks.. i didnt add anything tho.. WHAT I SAID IS NOT REAL. Nor is the title.. but meh who cares.. [right][snapback]564699[/snapback][/right]
i know its not u dumby -.-
oh wait.. its gonna be a melee/mm clan? doh... ok.. then it aint 2 bad of an idea
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)Matt_Burch on 2006-09-20 at 17:58:03
solar smilies are fun
how are they not fun?? like come on live a little.. don't turn into sidoh please..
ADDITION: oh good weedy, i didn't want you to get mad for something I did..
ADDITION: if you want to know what me n weedy are talking about.. here is a link