i never disrespected you before UBCS, but the latest stream of events, banning a co leader, im paranoid
Sorry, im not the leading type. I dont lead clans
when i heard MP was at its darkest hours, and you returned to help out, i came back too, i wouldnt have come back if i disrespected mp or its members or if i was too immature. After not playing SC for over half a year, i came back to help out and get mp back on its feet make a few maps here and there, but then this happens. sorry to say, but ur the immature one to ban a co leader for simply settling down an arguement the best way, instead of a straight up ban on the co leader, which thus causes this to happen.
actually im hearing a different story.... there was no reason for you Cayden to quit Mp).... we got this fixed now.
there was a reason to ban Marine but not by peoples immaturity... it was mostly backstabbing from behind secretly....