ok so ive gotten the morphing down but when the unit morphs it goes into a muta cocoon and if i cancel the morph it becomes a mutalisk how do i prevent this?
There are two ways that leap to mind:
1) Causing Mutalisks to instantly die when they are created.
2) Removing the cancel button and changing the Stat Function value in MemGraft.
I personally prefer editing the .got files to instantly kill any Mutalisks that are present. Although, you could probably achieve the same effect by setting its orders in AI Actions to "Fatal." There's no way to get around the Mutalisk bit, though, as that's how the famous morph bug worked, and the Mutalisk Coccoon is hardcoded to return a Mutalisk if its morph is cancelled.
well how do i change it so it doesnt become a cocoon but an egg instead???
You'd definitely need Memgraft. And probably a whole lotta iscripting. It should also be noted that a lurker egg is hardcoded to spawn a hydra when canceled and a regular egg is hardcoded to be killed.
You can't do that. The way it works is similar to the morph glitch, which was removed in...13a, if memory serves correctly. The way it works is this: any unit not hardcoded to morph (read: if it's not a Larva, Drone, or Hydralisk) becomes a Mutalisk right as the morph begins. So you can't do it--sorry.
Well that sucks that it cant be changed, maby in the future it will be able to be altered so this can be done
Remove the cancel button from the cocoon and in the Stat Bar tab of MemGraft, change the Cocoon's values to Unk 2/Unk 1. That should prevent it from being canceled.
its not perfect but atleast it will work, was thinking of making the creation super fast and then include a egg image in its initial so when you create it you cant use it until the time in the initial is up, but i guess that would be the same as if it were the egg
May I ask what the point of this modification would be?
for my mod, im making zerg do some funky morphing stuff should be cool, if i can get it all to work right