The Mp)Leadship was voted out by 80%+. UBCS has banned several members from the channel and is close to banning them from the forums. He has no right to do this and I demand that a "vote be held" to choose the new leader. No moderation of Mp's forums should be allowed until this is over.
The Current Mp) Leadership, Mp)3D. was voted out by nearly 80% of the Clan, yet he decided not to follow his own clan... well. He banned multiple members instead of following the rules:
What about fights inside the clan?
As said before, SEN will remain a neutral party, and all rules still apply.
If the sides are split unevenly enough to give one a vast majority (~75+%), that shall become the designated clan on SEN. The rest will be free to form their own clan and submit their own application once they meet the requirements.
If the sides are not evenly split and cannot reach an agreement within a reasonable timeframe, the clan forum may simply be locked and eventually removed. Each side will then be able to resubmit an application for a clan forum provided they meet the requirements.
Shouldn't mp) be removed from the forums?