QUOTE(AgenT_Nick @ Sep 23 2006, 03:21 PM)
since every one was mad and sad at when starcraft ghost stoped its production and then shut all its sites down. well i was one of them and i just got the best new.
the starcraft ghost shutdown was made for a brand new game in the making...
starcraft 2. i heard it on a podcast from steam when they were gonna talk about sourceforts (a sweet hl2dm mod) and then went on how blizzard was speding all there time on wow and stoped sc:g and then went on about he talked to somebody about he like sc and thought it was cool and stuff then he said about sc2. this stuned me. who knows? agent might come back to mapping for sc2?? will it happen?? maybe.. (70/30 chance)
sc 2 would be awsome. I hope it's like war 3. and also, agent why don't you come back..i don't understand. come help out oo..