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Staredit Network -> Clan Mp) -> Mp) Corruption
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-09-24 at 16:28:20
I am not trying to get on anyones good or bad side by making this post. However, i feel this must be completely said in it's own topic for future reference. Below i have quotes from a thread called 'I have a confession.' These are all factual and have not been edited in any shape or form. Before you read those, i would like to make my confession..

Mp)3D's Confession
My confessional is the over-throw of MinigameEast. I admit willingly that the council and i purposely chose to remove MinigameEast from the clan. After he promised to remove us from our ranks if we did not comply to abiding by his "no-banning" rules, we decided that the safest thing to do, to insure the clans safety, was to ban all and any people who threaten our clan. This included many potential enemies who voted me out as leader. Understand that these decisions were made by myself, dark_marine, and moogle. Though it may have not been right, if i re-call correctly a certain duo by the names of Mp)Sniper and Mp)MinigameEast did the same thing to me. Understand that we did this not only for safety, but to insure that the inactive former leader did not regain control and let the clan to die dry. Now that i have confessed, you may read other confessions.

Mp)Lyon's Confession
I Want you all to know now before i leave SC for ALL ETERNITY, or at least until SC2 Comes out. that i never really cared about Mp), i really helped overthrow 3D for the fun of it all....actually, that's a lie. i did it to kill Mp), and i dont think it worked....but HELL! you guys sure thought i was legit didn't ya?!!?! AHHAHAHA!, was fun whiled it lasted. and while my plan to kill Mp) By killing the dictator didn't work, i think you guys will be fine on your own. you have mini and marine, you dont need me, sen doesn't need me (SEN Never needed me. but it was fun to flame everyone in existence =p) and thus, i say farewell.

Mp)Marine/Shocko[xM]'s Confession
Well since Lyon made a confession i'll make Marine's for him.

Marine planned to get leadership of Mp and make all the members join xM ( i of course was trying to take 3D down before this happened do not think i stuck up for Marine because of this ) good luck guys.

Mp)Excalibur's Confession

I confess that at one time i planned to steal Marine back to STARS and collapse Mp in the process. I have since abandoned that plan as i told you before. But i think the public of Mp deserves to know aswell.

Mp)C]l[oud's Confession

I was planning on softening Mini up to give me Chief(Not much of a chance in that but meh) then I was going to get rid of 3D and give the chief to Marine to restore the clan. I didn't care too much if I actually did it or not but I didn't like seeing some guy that I thought appreared out of nowhere suddenly become leader, and he was being rude to me at first so I was angry.

Mp)Betrayed's Confession

UBCS took control of Mod. CP in Mp) by popular support from the "undesirables". The "undesirables" are the people who eventually wanted Minigame to return. They also eventually led UBCS to retire. Mp)Marine and others were good friends with [xM], another group of "undesirables". The facts are Marine and the "undesirables" plotted to overthrow UBCS, believing him to be immature at sometimes. Which sometimes is true but not a decent reason to remove them. Every "undesirable" wanted to be an admin. of the forums. UBCS heard of Marine's plot and banned him rather lately from the channel and was close to banning his "undesirable" group from the forums. Mp)Betrayed, knowing that UBCS had literally no chance of being kept as Admin. of the forums, Channel Operator, and leader sided with Mp)Lyon and hoped the "undesirables" would pick him as Admin. so he could restore Mp)Dada Mp)UBCS and everyone else who made Mp) great. The truth is that when xMCx was asked at 3:00 a.m. to join it was the first recruit of about 20 from UBCS. xMCx asked Mp)Pr0 to join, which led to Devlin and many others to join. DTBK, wanting the Mp)Forum to be deleted because he believed SEN should not host forums, made it extremely difficult for the new Admin. to win by a 66% support rate. Also, after the voting, DTBK promptly removed me from the poll saying that Leon voted for himself bumping me out of the top 3. Leon's quote was "It's unfair I can't vote for myself." DTBK told me after if I was angry he would just delete the Mp)Forums. "Supposedly" after I tried to gain support I photoshopped/used paint to edit a PM by Minigame to make it say he was going to restore UBCS as leader. Minigame's faction represents a group of "Undesirables" and "Inactives" at best. In reality, it was UBCS, myself, and other who really made Mp) the best clan on DTBK realized this and did his best to do away with Mp) altoghether and my faction. The whole ordeal led to me being hacked as you can read about it "my topics". I still believe it was DTBK who hacked me, and that it possibly was him who is the "Unknown Hacker" who terrorized SEN. DTBK was actually caught cursing at the once rebillious "undesirable" group leader Lyon for asking a simple question. I could have asked several of my friends to vote for who I wanted, and Mp) would be dead right now. Instead, I have gave it the gift of its life, knowing people well realize their mistakes. Shortly after I posted asking people to vote for me, DTBK opened the playoff poll. Recently it has even led me to being warned by Doodan for doing something not requiring a warn. DTBK put great limits on Mp's future strength by allowing only one moderator.

ADDED: I confess 7-7, Devlin, and VoidArchon(MC) are the only people I respect who are now in Mp) that I can currently think of.

Add that I planned on banning the following if I got Admin. CP.

[color=lightgreen]Mp)DarkNight's Confession

Ehm, I might as well confess too.
I always wanted to be in an active group of mapmakers, and when 3D came in, I had decided to leave (because last time was hell enough). After awhile I guess it didn't seem so bad (although I wasn't hanging out in the clan channel, so I couldn't really tell) so I thought this may be okay to come back. Once I joined, it was hell. The people were miserable and always fighting, I was pissed, It was worse than it was before 3D came in. So I decided that the best way to solve this is to take 3D out. I never wanted leadership, I never wanted ops or power. In fact I didn't really care that I was at the lowest rank for the longest of time, I just wanted to have fun.

Any future confessions will be placed in this thread. Realize i know a whole list of people that have betrayed me and or plotted against me to take control of my powerful clan. I will not right them until they have been confessed. Be a man and confess to your sins...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Excalibur on 2006-09-24 at 16:29:45
I confess that at one time i planned to steal Marine back to STARS and collapse Mp in the process. I have since abandoned that plan as i told you before. But i think the public of Mp deserves to know aswell.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-09-24 at 16:32:33
QUOTE(S.T.A.R.S-Le0n @ Sep 24 2006, 03:29 PM)
I confess that at one time i planned to steal Marine back to STARS and collapse Mp in the process. I have since abandoned that plan as i told you before. But i think the public of Mp deserves to know aswell.


confession added.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cloud on 2006-09-24 at 16:41:32
Thats funny. Oh man theres like 50 plots up there. Guess it's my turn huh?

I was planning on softening Mini up to give me Chief(Not much of a chance in that but meh) then I was going to get rid of 3D and give the chief to Marine to restore the clan. I didn't care too much if I actually did it or not but I didn't like seeing some guy that I thought appreared out of nowhere suddenly become leader, and he was being rude to me at first so I was angry.

Buahaha well now you heard mine..Cept the big difference was to help Mp) not kill it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-09-24 at 16:50:45
QUOTE(Cloud @ Sep 24 2006, 03:41 PM)
Thats funny. Oh man theres like 50 plots up there. Guess it's my turn huh?

I was planning on softening Mini up to give me Chief(Not much of a chance in that but meh) then I was going to get rid of 3D and give the chief to Marine to restore the clan. I didn't care too much if I actually did it or not but I didn't like seeing some guy that I thought appreared out of nowhere suddenly become leader, and he was being rude to me at first so I was angry.
Buahaha well now you heard mine..Cept the big difference was to help Mp) not kill it.

your confession is now added.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-09-24 at 16:59:00
I've never had anything against ya 3D, in fact i think you did a good job. but my goal was to get rid of Mp intirely, which didnt work disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-09-24 at 17:00:20
QUOTE(Mp)Lyon @ Sep 24 2006, 03:58 PM)
I've never had anything against ya 3D, in fact i think you did a good job. but my goal was to get rid of Mp intirely, which didnt work disgust.gif

Well i guess your welcome on NGM's ventrilo if u ever get bored and wanna hangout.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-09-24 at 17:37:05
wow everyone is confessing sad.gif

I just wanted to get ops and steal channel but everyone else 1 upped me tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-09-24 at 17:48:24
I confess that some people have problems. Like most everyone on that list.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gamma on 2006-09-24 at 17:50:27
I confess 7-7, Devlin, and VoidArchon(MC) are the only people I respect who are now in Mp) that I can currently think of.

Add that I planned on banning the following if I got Admin. CP.

Add a note at the top of your post UBCS that everything was a mass FFA except for those on UBCS's side.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-09-24 at 20:12:29
Thanks, Gamma.

Hmm I haven't been in Mp) all that long, so I don't really have much to confess. But I'll give it a shot...

I've known both Minigame and UCBS for a long while now, and I would have been fine seeing Mp) go to either one. It may have seemed like I was against UCBS (and ultimately I voted against him), but he's not that bad of a guy. Neither of them are. My issue, when it comes to Mp), is with the rest of the clan. Aside from perhaps Pr0-, I don't know anyone else. And to be perfectly honest, I don't completely trust Betrayed or Marine at all. As far as administration of Mp)'s forum goes, I have yet to see any one in Mp) having the qualifications for such a position, let alone leadership. But whatever, I'll deal with it. I've always wanted to be in (U), anyways, so if things go wrong here, I'll just mosey over to their forum instead.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Night on 2006-09-24 at 20:24:11
QUOTE(Gamma @ Sep 24 2006, 03:50 PM)
I confess 7-7, Devlin, and VoidArchon(MC) are the only people I respect who are now in Mp) that I can currently think of.

Add that I planned on banning the following if I got Admin. CP.

Add a note at the top of your post UBCS that everything was a mass FFA except for those on UBCS's side.

Wow someone I don't even know hates me.

Ehm, I might as well confess too.
I always wanted to be in an active group of mapmakers, and when 3D came in, I had decided to leave (because last time was hell enough). After awhile I guess it didn't seem so bad (although I wasn't hanging out in the clan channel, so I couldn't really tell) so I thought this may be okay to come back. Once I joined, it was hell. The people were miserable and always fighting, I was pissed, It was worse than it was before 3D came in. So I decided that the best way to solve this is to take 3D out. I never wanted leadership, I never wanted ops or power. In fact I didn't really care that I was at the lowest rank for the longest of time, I just wanted to have fun.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-09-24 at 20:35:20
QUOTE(DevliN @ Sep 24 2006, 07:12 PM)
Thanks, Gamma.

Hmm I haven't been in Mp) all that long, so I don't really have much to confess. But I'll give it a shot...

I've known both Minigame and UCBS for a long while now, and I would have been fine seeing Mp) go to either one. It may have seemed like I was against UCBS (and ultimately I voted against him), but he's not that bad of a guy. Neither of them are. My issue, when it comes to Mp), is with the rest of the clan. Aside from perhaps Pr0-, I don't know anyone else. And to be perfectly honest, I don't completely trust Betrayed or Marine at all. As far as administration of Mp)'s forum goes, I have yet to see any one in Mp) having the qualifications for such a position, let alone leadership. But whatever, I'll deal with it. I've always wanted to be in (U), anyways, so if things go wrong here, I'll just mosey over to their forum instead.

erm, idk if this counts or not. U realy did nothing wrong otheer then vote against me. We all make mistakes but don't sweat it u have nothing to worry about.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gamma on 2006-09-24 at 20:48:06
That wasn't a confession. biggrin.gif

I've always wanted to be in (U), anyways, so if things go wrong here, I'll just mosey over to their forum instead.

If N(G)M gets a SEN Forum you could always go mosey there if Mp) Dies.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-09-24 at 20:48:17
QUOTE(DarkNight @ Sep 24 2006, 07:23 PM)
Wow someone I don't even know hates me.

Yeah me too sad.gif

UBCS didnt put up my confession im still ok XD
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-09-24 at 20:56:41
QUOTE(Lakai @ Sep 24 2006, 07:47 PM)
Yeah me too sad.gif

UBCS didnt put up my confession im still ok XD

o_o i didn't understand it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-09-24 at 22:22:48
Me eather
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gamma on 2006-09-24 at 22:41:33
I'm still waiting for Mp)Minigame's confession even though I think I know it all. He wanted Admin. spot like everyone else.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-09-24 at 23:29:15
I Have a second confession

i Really want to get you all to support KH because square said there going to end it at 3 sad.gif

ROFL!, jk. the series will go on for eternity tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-09-24 at 23:31:24
QUOTE(UBCS @ Sep 24 2006, 05:34 PM)
erm, idk if this counts or not.  U realy did nothing wrong otheer then vote against me.  We all make mistakes but don't sweat it u have nothing to worry about.

Haha okay. I just wanted to explain why I was trying to stay as political as possible and not choose a side.

And I figured the lack of trust would be the real confession. Its such a strange feeling. Every clan I've been in (granted I haven't been in that many since I started map making years and years ago) has had a trustng environment with leaders I could befriend easily. Mp) just seems like a pack of power-hungry dogs.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gamma on 2006-09-24 at 23:53:12
Mp) just seems like a pack of power-hungry dogs.

No, the entire SEN community is a pack of power-hungry dogs. bleh.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-09-25 at 00:01:16
i'm shocked at lyons. I don't understand how you could even say that. Sure it's a game and everyone is who they are, but that is just weird. i acually thought you were cool, sure you didn't care.. still i'm shocked.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fwop_ on 2006-09-25 at 00:49:09
QUOTE(Lakai @ Sep 24 2006, 02:36 PM)
wow everyone is confessing sad.gif

I just wanted to get ops and steal channel but everyone else 1 upped me tongue.gif

Me too, just I guess no one liked the idea of having a non-member lead biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-09-25 at 01:33:05
QUOTE(Gamma @ Sep 24 2006, 09:41 PM)
I'm still waiting for Mp)Minigame's confession even though I think I know it all.  He wanted Admin. spot like everyone else.

theres nothing to confess in my story... i just got whatever i wanted.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Laguna on 2006-09-25 at 02:57:58
I think Mp is doing good even tho the drama that happen. Just be friendly,help each other and everything will be cool. mp use to be friendly and helpfull in the clan and outside. All we did was just talk and chat and make maps like non stop back in the days. We need these days back again in the new one.

MIght Come back To Sc.
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