Did I spell it right... I thought there is a U somewhere.
Yea, I was following the nooby's mod manual to sucessful mods, but there is a problem. Dundun dunnnnnn
Either I am not getting it or there is a problem with:
VIII. Ultimate Eye --- First steps with StarGraft and MemGraft
36. Go to the "Requirements" tab and the "Tech Use" sub-tab.
37. Select "Scanner Sweep" from the list at left.
38. Slide the bar all the way to right.
39. Right-click and select Insert.
40. Repeat step 39 twice.
41. For the first new requirement created, select "Flag" and "[previous requirement] or [next requirement]".
42. For the next, select "Flag" and "Current unit must be [next requirement]".
43. For the last, select "Terran SCV".
A more detailed explanation would be enlightening.
Like which first of the first requirement? Is it the very first or is it the just the first of the new ones created? I am soo confused, but I am sure that's where I went wrong...