QUOTE(GoldenKnight @ Oct 4 2006, 01:22 PM)
The problem with Sims and RP maps is that "There is nothing to do." Sure, role playing can be fun, but most of the time, people want to be told what to do, which is why DnD maps and RPGs are more popular.
When I Make Maps The Number One Problem Is Their Attention To The Directions.
They Ask the Dumbest Questions Like.
Job One gives 5$ Job 2 Gives 7$
They Will Say Job One Give 500 And Job Two a penny.
Or If It Says Do not Enter. Under Construction.
They Will Enter And Get Killed And Say Moma I
Am So Dumb Cause I Cant Follow Directions.
I Heard When We Gave The Testers A Iq Quiz.
The Results Came Back Negitive.