Map: Diplomacy 7.7 Gold
Date: Somewhere around July-August of 2005.
What happened:
I was playing as france, because my normal contry of syria was taken. By chance, no one took switz, italy, germany, or belgium. So taking italy and germany i raised an army of tanks in the back of spain and loaded them in in itallian transports. A guy who took crimea, cech, and russia, comes and wipes me down all the way down to the spanish/french border.
"lol gg nub"
"Good game indeend 'tank you'"
"lol learn how 2 spell"
"No i really mean it, TANK you."
I landed about 40-50 shuttles of tanks in his home contrys right behind his factorys and such. It was stunning. Best part was i was
map hacking the whole time and had screen shots, unfortunately a reformat robbed me of them.