I there a list of air unit speeds around that i can take a look at?
from slowest to fasteset possibly?
i'm not sure if this goes in right spot.
There proboly is one but dont you know yourself.
Like for example.
A cosair is faster then an overlord (with or without speed) but a scout is way faster then a cosair when it has upgraded jets.
Scout faster then corsair? You playing the same game? they go the same speed when the scout is upped, but the sair is faster otherwise.
no scout is faster
if you wanna test it then get a mojo scout and get a corsair and make a map and see whos faster

The Scout only has a slightly quicker acceleration time than the Corsair, otherwise, they're the same speed.
Yea the scout is faster. 8.07x vs 7.56x. I even did so when I was trying this race with units and I was testing to see which went faster.
Too make up for its overall slow speed at start its upgrade boosted it more faster then sair.
=Case closed=