QUOTE(GTi @ Oct 6 2006, 11:55 PM)
I'v read that Blizzard was not going to start on sc2 in 2002, but!! they said once wc 3 was out, they'd put it on 'To-Do' List, so I dought its going to be anywhere this year or next year, maybe 2012... but if they were smart and wanted to make money... they'd make sc2, unless they are waiting for more people for sc so they know they'd make alot of money... I ono
I still think sc2 should be text-based : )
Anything you read was not true, accept it.
QUOTE(GTi @ Oct 7 2006, 01:39 AM)
I think the people who replied' did not reply has what the Thread Starter wanted to talk about, It's not his fault he wants to start a nice genuine conversation about sc2 when all these kids come in here and start saying ' Blah blah blah sc2 will never come out ' Whose to say, and if it does Rar! for everyone and if it doesnt o well, Im not flaming, Im not trying to start anything I love you all, as if you were my lil broodlings who commit suicide everytime I walk up to them : ) but alls Im trying to say, is that if you dont want to talk about sc2 then don't!! LOl you don';t have to come in here and say something to me thats spamming and thats when problems happen, if you dont like it take your nose somewhere else! other people may want to talk about sc2 like me!! so please... do not close this thread! it could come n' handy one day and we would regret all because people have opinions I said my peace! =]
and my opinion still stands SC2 should be text-based.
Says the person against a spammy thread...
QUOTE(Killer_Kow(MM) @ Oct 7 2006, 08:01 AM)
He was being sarcastic...
Through millions of other threads about SC2 we've discovered that there's nothing to talk about. Until we get official word that SC2 is coming, there's no point speculating. And even then, we might just get ghost'd again.
QUOTE(dumbducky @ Oct 7 2006, 08:48 AM)
Just go lookin through old pages of the games forum. YOu'll find at least a dozen other SC2 threads.
And for those of you who haven't read other SC2 threads, you don't get my joke. There's always some idiot who shows up and says they saw this trailer, usually with bad grammar.
Exactly again, it's time for this thread to go away.