Just out of curiosity, whats your melee record as of now? Be sure to post your account name and what server its on.
Killer_Kow@USEast - 83-61-16
Killer_Kow@Games Podolsk - 25-19-0
Ever changing...
Stop playing noobs killer =P I know for a fact you suck at melee.
Record means nothing without a ladder.
A lot of those are from my crappy friends. They don't play me anymore though
Oh, and my PGTour season 8 record was:
1v1 - 1-8 I believe
2v2 - 2-2 if I remember correctly...
Mine's like 11-15-x on East.
I don't play fastest either.
`BiG~kAhOoNa`@USWest is 1110-0-1
I kick ass.
My donwano@USWest is much better though.
Whatever happened to I'm leaving sen?
And mine is actually 12-17-5(?)
My best record? Was on my old BNU account:
Im not nearly that good now and i never will be again.
GanNing-Shu- @ Useast 65 / 50 / 11