ok I have beacons, you build a supply depot near it you get it, you get 1 min per second for each beacon. You can upgrade faarms, this is supposed to make it so you get 2 per beacon. can I do this without having to do triggers for not upgraded and ones for upgraded. thats like 20 for not upgraded 20 for upgraded 1, 20 for upgraded 2..... 60 triggers for just the resources...
thats actually only six triggers...maybe nine.
there are 20 beacons -.- 1 per beacon for each upgrade lvl os its 60
do you have player 12 empty? and are you using hypers?
12s open and I have hypers
the trigs are:
any timer conditions, etc...
player 1 brings at least 1 farm to anywhere
give 1 depot to player 12
give minerals
player 1 brings at most 0 farms to anywhere
original timer conditions are false...(optional)
give all farms owned by p12 to player 1
no....you buitl a supply depot near teh beacon, you keep teh supply depot and you get the beacon. then u get cahs every second, if u buy te hfarm upgrade, all it does is add 1 min per beacon (idea is teh cities(SDs) give you taxes, farms boost taxes) the farms never show up.
can you build supplydepts away from beacons? do you lose the beacon when theres no supply depot near it?
all the triggers you should need:
player 1 commands at least 1 supply depot
preserve trigger
add 1 to DC
DC is at least twelve
player 1 brings at least 1 supply depot to anywhere
center location on supply depot owned by player 1 at anywhere
give 1 supply depot to player 12
player 12 brings at least 1 supply depot to anywhere
player ? brings at least 1 beacon to location
upgrades are zero
add 1 mineral
player 12 brings at least 1 supply depot to anywhere
player ? brings at least 1 beacon to location
upgrades are 1
add 2 mineral
player 12 brings at least 1 supply depot to anywhere
player ? brings at least 1 beacon to location
upgrades are two
add 3 mineral
Player 1 brings at most 0 supply depots to anywhere
give all supply depots owned by player 12 to player 1
subtract 12 deaths from DC
i think i got everything in that. the only issue with this is if you can have more than 12 supply depots. in that case, simply create another block of the italized triggers underneath the original block. each block will allow you another 12 supply depots.you cna build um anywhere and you lsoe it if you lose the supply depot
yes... the system takes that into account...
Your system doesn't take into account multiple players though.
omg i have these triggers(from the start)
current player has 1 beacon
add 1 mins
current player has 2 beacon
add 2 mins
current player has 20 beacon
add 20 mins and so on
current player has 1 beacon and upgrade
add 2 mins
current player has 2 beacon and upgrade
add 4 mins
current player has 20 beacon and upgrade
add 40 mins and so on
im asking if theres a way to do this without having 60 triggers >.>
Just use Trigger Duplicator to copy those triggers instead of making an unnessesary system.
lol never heard of that whats it do? how you use it? and were you get it in teh DLDB?
QUOTE(Urmom(U) @ Oct 9 2006, 05:25 PM)
Your system doesn't take into account multiple players though.
well, you could just repeat the italized triggers. although you miught as well use binary countoffs.
I created a binary countoff system that works for buildings(all the others just work for score)
Check the wiki before posting
cash per buildingI also know a method for multiple players, but I'm too short on time to edit the wiki. I'll do it in about 8 hours
omfg i made a cash per building tut her on SEN and on SCMS the rpoblem isnt that i don't know how to, all im wondering is, is there a way i can do this WITHOUT like 60 triggers.
Use gas to control it...
Each time you build a farm near beacon you get 1 gas (Beacons controlled = Gas)
Then make a timer and incrase minerals using gas...
On Spaw/Income defense, the gas turns into minerals, you are going to do something like it...
Actually, that makes a lot of sense. Make it an income system. When you control a beacon, add 1 gas. When you upgrade, add another gas per beacon you own. After a certain amount of time (when taxes are due or rent is up or whatever), you get the gas transferred to your minerals.
When you upgrade, add another gas per beacon you own.
Or just 2x Gas
2x gas... how would you accomplish that? You can use multiplication in triggers? You'd have to make tons of triggers that are like:
Player has exactly 1 gas.
Player owns exactly 1 Upgrade.
Add 1 to gas for Player.
Player has exactly 2 gas.
Player owns exactly 1 Upgrade.
Add 2 to gas for Player.
Player has exactly 3 gas.
Player owns exactly 1 Upgrade.
Add 3 to gas for Player.
That's another 20 triggers that he wants to avoid.
I was going to sugegst a system that refreshes the income after each time interval. It would take 2 triggers. One would go and add 1 gas for each beacon, without the upgrade. And then the other would add 2 gas for each beacon, if you have the upgrade.
If you were on a Mac, though, you couldn't use that. And then an income system would be your best bet...
Seriously, though, I think an income system would kind of fit with what you're doing anyway. The only issue is that I don't think it would work fast enough to give money every second. Every 5 seconds may work, but not 1 second.
um thats just more work than i already have, right now you bring a SD to the beacon, you get the beacon. if you dotn have it it goes to comp, then for teh money, if you have 1 beaocns u get 1 mineral if you have 2 u get 2 also if you have an uogarde, 2 per beacon so if its 1 beacon 2 minerals 2 beacons 4 etc. all im askign is if i can compress that somehow. the whoel gas thing just adds more work. in the map that im basing this on, he uses custom score, im just using how many beacons, but i was also thinking of instead of having the beacons you get cash for each of the SDs u have. idk which is better.