I see that many people like waterfalls. And I simply don't understand why. My idea:
In SC, cliffs look like cliffs should, bridges look like bridges should, ramps look like ramps should. But do waterfalls look like waterfalls should? I think no, they look like a combination of tiles and sprites that slightly resembles a waterfall. You are told "Look here, this should be a waterfall. Be amazed."
Everything has limits. But I agree that most waterfalls looks lame. It's possible to make it more waterfallish with some trigger effects, though.
My waterfall in SDii looks real nice i think...
If someone posted my waterfall, id probably rate it a 3/10 for thats the number of sprites i used.
I've seen his waterfall... And beleive me, he would not rate it 3/10... It's freaking godly... Plus iv made a water I tried to make look like his, but it doesnt even compare, Although its better than other peoples on sen.
Who cares. Its there choice if they want to make boring stuff and "show it off".
QUOTE(Syphon(MM) @ Oct 18 2006, 02:52 PM)
Waterfalls = Exciting.
Not if there n00b.
waterfalls look awsome and are an excellent to add in role playing games, especially when you're in the jungle etc. etc. I mean it adds something new to the terrain not just normal doodads, and high cliffs etc.
Anyway I'd makethem alot if I could
I waterfalls look OK but people shouldn't submit them so much.
Waterfalls look what mashed lump of meat with slightly dimmed light and shady screens around it looks like.
i agree i dont see the big deal with water falls
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Please remember to invisible things like this. The biggest problem with waterfalls is that they dont mix into the SC world like everything else, but they are fun to make and can really add a cool effect to some maps. But when everyone makes them it gets old.
@Clokr_ Nice waterfall, you shoulda had the observers explode in a hallucination when they got to bottom of waterfall