See, I'm trying to give the Marine the Infested Terran sprite, but when I do, it runs up to it's opponent, and crashes the game, instead of standing back and shooting the place up. I know I need to fix it with Iscript, but when I try it, I can't get it to work. How would I go about doing this?
Whenever you have iscript problems, it is probably best to compare the iscript for the original graphic and the one you want to use and fit in the parts of the iscript for the one you want to use into the original. Also, it is a good idea to check the entries for them in images.dat and check the .lo? files referenced by them where applicable. Also check if any overlays that may be used by it have at least as many frames or not.
Other than those tips, I can't really help you without more specifics on what you are doing with it.
I take a Marine in DatEdit, and I change all the graphics and sounds into Infested Terran. When I tell it to attack something, instead of go into Gauss Gun range and shoot, it runs right up to it's enemy and the game crashes. That's what I'm doing.
What are the AI Actions set too?
Marine should be:
Attack Unit
Normal Movement/Normal Attack
Infested Terran:
Sap Unit
Sap Location
Normal movement/ Normal Attack