QUOTE(fritfrat(U) @ Oct 19 2006, 01:50 PM)
I haven't checked the map, but this could be a possibility, and is probably what I'd do if I weren't to just use trigger duplicator for bring exactly 1, bring exactly 2, etc.
Give all any unit at copy area to p9.
P9 brings atleast 1 (specific unit) to copy area: give 1 unit back to current player, create 1 unit for current player at (copy destination).
And copy and preserve for each specific unit.
I actually had it the other way around.
Current player brings at least 1 unit to [Copy Location]
Give 1 unit for current player at [Copy Location] to P9
This was done for all the zerg units.
Current player brings exactly 0 units to [Copy Location]
P9 brings at least 1 unit to [Copy Location]
Give all units for P9 at [Copy Location] to current player
Note that each player has his own unit copy location, which is why it is in brackets in the triggers above.