I'm thinking about making a 2 player RPG where you have about 15 minutes to get to the top of many cliffs (I'll use extended terrain to have cliffs on cliffs) and there are bosses and new weapons and such along the way. Oh ya, and you can reset the whole map except for certain things like bosses and weapons. So you play it over and over getting further and further till you kill the final boss.
Also, since it's 2 player I'll have difficulty change depending on how many players you have.
You will lose money and other things like that when you reset time, although I will make a deathcount bank for money(like zelda Majoras Mask)
How's the idea?
It seems like a good idea, I actually thought of something quite like for my and DooM77's Exile. My idea was that you were supposed to climb a bit up Mount Olympus, but sometimes, there will be random rockslides, pulling you and eventual enemies with it. Everybody caught in the rockslide looses health.