Is there any possibility at all of being able to make players 9 and up attack eachother?
It would help my map a lot if there is and someone can tell me how.. please?

Speaking from experience, players 9-11 should be hostile only If:
• you don't place start locations for them.
• you create units for them in-game (i.e., you create player 1-8 units, then use the "give" action to give units to players 9-11).
They will then be treated as "ghost" players (yet still be affected by triggers) and be hostile to all players.
Is there any other ones this will work with? besides 9/10/11?
Is there a way to stop them from attacking certain players? Like E.G. one of them won't attack players 1-4, and the other one won't attack players 5-8?
Hmm I just tested it and player 9 and 10 won't attack any players or computers, and won't attack eachother, although their units DO move to the right locations when I tell them to attack to there. They just aren't attacking. They don't have start locations. The units are created for the players and then given to the player 9/10. What am I doing wrong?
I've never heard of having p9-11 units attack, even with what siege said. Excluding infested terrans, which blow up anyways.
So.. is there some other player number I must use? E.G. above 12?
I may be wrong, but I am very confident that only players 1-8 can attack on command like you want them to.
It seems if there is a building that can attack (e.g. a photon cannon) nearby the P9/P10 unit the unit will attack it. The units won't attack eachother though, and won't attack unarmed buildings. How can I remedy this?
You don't have them attack to locations, have them patrol to locations, or maybe i misunderstood you, but it sounded like you tried to see if they would attack you when told to attack to locations... If you tell them to attack somewhere they only attack if an enemy gets in the way, that's how defences stop walling.
Well technically I set it to "patrol" in scmdraft. This is because there is a bug, where setting it to "attack" in scm draft will make them patrol, and setting them to "patrol" will make them attack.
BTW I was testing this with air units, and I'm pretty sure they weren't being walled in. They just went to the location, and killed all buildings that could attack, and nothing else. Isn't there a way to make it so that they will attack other stuff? They just sit there after killing the defense buildings (even while my units shoot them)

Try making a trigger that tells P9 and P10 to unally P1-P8 or whatever you want them to attack. I dunno might work 
only triggers owned by players 1-8 work.
Isn't "set player to alliance status" mutual?
QUOTE(Zeratul_101 @ Nov 1 2006, 03:13 AM)
only triggers owned by players 1-8 work.
I'm pretty sure triggers for 9-12 work as well. I know they used to at least.QUOTE(Azu @ Nov 1 2006, 03:35 AM)
Isn't "set player to alliance status" mutual?
Not necessarily, I don't think anyway..QUOTE(Azu @ Nov 1 2006, 02:35 AM)
Isn't "set player to alliance status" mutual?
no, thats why bsing works.
QUOTE(NerdyTerdy @ Nov 1 2006, 06:40 AM)
I'm pretty sure triggers for 9-12 work as well. I know they used to at least.
Not necessarily, I don't think anyway..
i dunno if they used to, but they sure don't work anymore.
Set alliance status isn't mutual, but may seem that way if you always have inhale running.
Only players 1-8 can run triggers.
And that's a cool find, azu, that you can get p9 units to attack cannons. I always thought they could attack nothing.
Damn. So there is no way to get them to attack eachother?
Is there some other player I can use that will?

Is there some other player I can use that will?
Gotta find a way to get 9-11 to work then..
Okay, I need some help finding a way to get p9/p10 to fight eachother then.
I'm pretty sure triggers for 9-12 work as well. I know they used to at least.
Not necessarily, I don't think anyway..
You can have triggers effect 9-12, but they cannot be in the 9-12 category and work.
You won't get p9 and p10 to attack each other, excluding your little find that they attack each other's cannons, and infested terrans, like I mentioned before. You need to use 2 players from players 1-8.