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Staredit Network -> Polling Booth -> PS3 Or Nintendo Wii
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-11-21 at 14:38:30
...then what the hell is the comparison between the Wii and 360? Gameplay vs what...?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2006-11-21 at 18:22:18
You really can't judge the Xbox 360 due to the fact that this poll doesn't have an answer choice of the Xbox 360. And besides, Xbox 360 was made a year ago to let you know but it's still part of the next-gen platforms in it's early release.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-11-22 at 12:30:07
The Wii is great, but The PS3 is all around better. I dont see how this remote control style of playing is that big of a hit. idk, I think that I wil stick to the regular style. Also the Wii has a double controller where you attatch it on the bottom of the regular controler, why is that. Makes no sence to have a wireless controller but for some features in other games it requires this wired controller, kind of ruins the experience of the swift arm movements!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-11-22 at 12:41:21
All around better?
I guess you never saw the PRICE!~!~
7-7, you have never used the nunchuk, it's pretty obvious you have NEVER even touched the Wii controllers, both the Nunchuk and the Wiimote. They are fine. The Nunchuk is wired to the Wiimote, not the console.

Stop bashing the Wii until you have least tried it..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-11-22 at 12:46:36
Yes, I know it is wired to the Wiimote, It still ruins it! Yes The price is jaw dropping but then again, if someone really wants something, $350 wont change their mind! Especially when people buy top tech computers when you can get the couple month old ones for half the price. When I bought my laptop almost a year ago the thing cost me $1500, $2000 with all the added stuff. Now I see it with the double processor thats way better for a little under $1200. The same exact computer I have is only $600 now!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jin on 2006-11-22 at 12:46:37
I would get a PS3. And I'm not even think in getting a Wii
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-11-22 at 13:42:07
Thats how I feel, The PS3 just all around is better!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-11-26 at 15:27:51
Too me this is what I personally put in ranks of overall best system.

3.Xbox 360

I only hate xbox because it has blue screen of death. If its on the computer then what was the point of transferring it to the game system. It's laser can melt the cd's 3 layers. System heats up fast. Also I hate the xbox's controller. If those features were fixed then it would be...

2.Xbox 360

For fun then it would go like this

3.Xbox 360
Wii mote gives things a better view but at times if your lazy then your forced to move around but I guess thats exercise? PS3 because most games are ported to them anyway. Xbox hardly has any play choice.

Cost efficiency

2.Xbox 360

Wii is cheap enough for those who can't afford technological systems. But if you want to get a whole new controller(pack) that means for wiimote and nunchuk thats 68 CAN dollars. And you will spend more money on the classic controller if you want to play virtual console games.

Flame at my rankings of the systems but I won't care because its my opinion.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-11-26 at 15:47:02
Yes, I know it is wired to the Wiimote, It still ruins it!

How in the world does the nunchuck ruin anything? I couldn't imagine playing TP without it!!

What about boxing? Boxing would suck without the nuncuck.

The nuncuck is absolutely sweet and a briliant idea.

Wii mote gives things a better view but at times if your lazy then your forced to move around but I guess thats exercise?

Your wrong. The Wii does not require you to move around at all. It responds incredibly well to little movement.

Then it also confuses me on how you rate the Ps3 higher when... Wii takes home 2/3 medals? Not only that but it won the biggest

I only hate xbox because it has blue screen of death

Have yet to see a BSOD of the 360 or Xbox. In fact I have yet to even hear about it until now.

. It's laser can melt the cd's 3 layers.

Never heard of that either.

. But if you want to get a whole new controller(pack) that means for wiimote and nunchuk thats 68 CAN dollars. And you will spend more money on the classic controller if you want to play virtual console games.

Well the Wiimote and Nunchuck do come with the Wii, but if you want another one... yell at your friend to get his own Wiimote. lol. Although i'd agree that they are a tad expensive.

What is it? $20(US) for a classic controller? Plus thats really only for N64 games I believe(and the sega games that use 1\2 analog stick). You can just turn the wiimote and use it like a NES\SNES controller.

Xbox hardly has any play choice.

I disagree many games are ported to the 360 aswell as the Ps3. Then both consoles have there own excellent non-ported games that shine from the rest. The 360 has a lot of play choice.

What a suprise? The Wii is dominating in the polls.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-11-26 at 16:03:19
Your wrong. The Wii does not require you to move around at all. It responds incredibly well to little movement.

Then it also confuses me on how you rate the Ps3 higher when... Wii takes home 2/3 medals? Not only that but it won the biggest

You do have to move at times when the sensory bar doesnt pick up the signals which can be annoying. I gave it 2/3 because yes Wii is excellent I do love it but it still nintendo. It doesnt meet the maximum. Thats were xbox and PS3 leave off...

Never heard of that either.

Xbox 360's laser is strong enough to melt the 3 layers of the cd. If you don't know what that is google it or look it in tec magazines.

yell at your friend to get his own Wiimote.
Friends? What about family members?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-11-26 at 16:34:06
You do have to move at times when the sensory bar doesnt pick up the signals which can be annoying. I gave it 2/3 because yes Wii is excellent I do love it but it still nintendo. It doesnt meet the maximum. Thats were xbox and PS3 leave off...

How doesn't it meet the maximum? If your talking about individual games then ok because thats completely what you think is fun(An opinion).

Xbox 360's laser is strong enough to melt the 3 layers of the cd. If you don't know what that is google it or look it in tec magazines.

I know what it is but I simply never heard of the 360's laser actually doing it to a CD. I mean while the laser may be strong enough to melt it, the question is... does it?

Friends? What about family members?

Them too! lol.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Desperado on 2006-11-26 at 17:29:32
I like how the people defending the PS3 are so vehement, but they don't even have good arguments. All they can do is make broad meaningless statements such as "it's better overall." That doesn't really mean anything. Your main defense is that it has better graphics. Newsflash: it doesn't. The 360 can output better graphics because it has more memory. All that blu-ray storage area is utterly useless, and only means that the games will cost more.

How about forming a real argument by mentioning the exclusivity of Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid? Those are good reasons to own a PS3. You just have to decide if either of those series make the purchase worth it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2006-11-26 at 17:44:25
A couple days ago I was playing the Wii at my friends house.

It's rather cool being able to play their sports demo game, especially bowling. I think this definately beats using a standard controller.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-11-26 at 19:03:22
QUOTE(Mp)7-7 @ Nov 22 2006, 10:42 AM)
Thats how I feel, The PS3 just all around is better!

No crap it seems "all around better" More than twice as good? Nowhere near so.

And don't forget to tack the price of an HDCP-compliant TV onto your PS3 expenses.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-11-26 at 19:24:35
Wait.. you NEED an HDCP compliant?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kow on 2006-11-26 at 22:00:50
As far as gaming goes, Wii. Entertainment as a whole, as in movies and the like, PS3. My vote goes to Wii though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PoSSeSSeDCoW on 2006-11-26 at 22:23:48
When I was playing the demo unit of the Wii, people were standing around me amazed at the wiimote. When it was their turn to play, they were still awed by it. That wasn't even on the most innovated game (merely Excite Truck). The Wiimote is outrageously fun, as even the most anti-video game diehards in my family liked it.

And you will spend more money on the classic controller if you want to play virtual console games.

I heard that you could use the gamecube controllers to play the virtual console games. That, however, is just what I heard so it could be incorrect.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-11-27 at 14:42:53
Yes, you're correct, you can.

The chart is right here...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xx.Doom.xX on 2006-11-27 at 16:29:46
Really, how many people want to get shot and only live some of their lives just to get a PS3?

No Brainer.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-11-27 at 19:16:03
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Nov 26 2006, 04:24 PM)
Wait.. you NEED an HDCP compliant?


Sony went for Blu-Ray, so as far as I see, yes. Microsoft on the other hand stuck with DVD9 for the 360.

But, on the bright side, your PS3 can function as a Blu-Ray DVD player, which as a standalone costs more than a PS3.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-11-27 at 21:29:45
Yah, but good luck getting a PS3 :/

Does anyone else wonder whly Sony is selling a Blu-Ray player for 1k and a PS3 which can serve as a Blu-Ray player for 600? Does this not confuse anyone else?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-11-27 at 23:29:35
Im gonna use my same argument for the other exact same thread of this. I'm going to have the console I buy for atleast 5 years at which point I could careless about the price as long as I'm not going to go into bankruptcy getting it more or less. So the fact the wii costs 250 and the ps3 is 600 is irrelevant to me atleasst, maybe not to you guys though. The PS3 will also save me money anyway when blu-ray takes over anyway.

Alot of you are bringing up supply issues (which are great nonetheless) but I don't think thats really a point too much. I woulnd't go for the wii just because I won't be able to get my hands on a ps3 for the next couple months.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-11-27 at 23:58:53
Sony's probably trying to push the market by making it available on the PS3. I wonder if they actually DID learn their lesson from Beta video tapes? Seems their attempts to change the market with their higher quality, yet uncompatable with other players versions of tapes and DVDs never quite catch on. I currently have no plans to invest in a blu-ray player.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-11-28 at 00:08:51
QUOTE(Shadow-Killa_04 @ Nov 28 2006, 12:29 AM)
Im gonna use my same argument for the other exact same thread of this. I'm going to have the console I buy for atleast 5 years at which point I could careless about the price as long as I'm not going to go into bankruptcy getting it more or less. So the fact the wii costs 250 and the ps3 is 600 is irrelevant to me atleasst, maybe not to you guys though. The PS3 will also save me money anyway when blu-ray takes over anyway.

Alot of you are bringing up supply issues (which are great nonetheless) but I don't think thats really a point too much. I woulnd't go for the wii just because I won't be able to get my hands on a ps3 for the next couple months.

Some Blu Ray players can do more than others, I guess, but honestly I wouldn't know as I don't know what both is capable of.
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